

December 17, 2003

Serbian Civil Council helps people to repair their homes

The Serbian Civil Council / Movement for Equality in Bosnia and Hercegovina protects citizens of all nations in Bosnia and Hercegovina. These days, the organisation is making a special effort to fund and in other ways help Serbian families repair their homes. (17-DEC-03)

December 15, 2003

British film maker Kim Longinotto receives Warsaw festival prize

With ´The day I will never forget,´ ducumenting the widespread practice of female circumcision in the Somali community in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, Kim Longinotto further reconciled her position as one of Europe´s finest documentarist. At the ´Human Rights in Film´ festival, she received what may have been her greatest honour to date; the prize for outstanding commitment to human rights in film. (15-DEC-03)

December 13, 2003

Young poet presents poem on peace, friendship and freedom

The ten-year-old Homar Rza, an Azerbaijani who has spent only two years in Norway, took the opportunity at the Human Rights House Foundation´s Republic of Azerbaijan conference in Oslo before Christmas to present her own poem called ‘Peace,’ but dealing also with, war, friendship and freedom. Homar presented her poem in Norwegian. Read it, and an English translation too, below. (13-DEC-03)

December 11, 2003

Sarajevo Human Rights House marks International Human Rights Day

Yesterday, on the 10th of December, the Human Rights House in Bosnia and Hercegovina opened its doors and hosted a well attended round table to mark the 56th International Human Rights Day. The event generated lots of attention, not only to the human rights cause, but also to the ideas and initiatives, aims and activities carried out by the six organisations in the house. (11-DEC-03)

December 11, 2003

Sarajevo Human Rights House marks International Human Rights Day

The Human Rights House in Sarajevo opened its doors yesterday for a round table to mark the 56th International Human Rights Day. The event generated lots of attention, not only to the human rights cause, but also to the aims and activities carried out by the six organisations in the house. (11-DEC-03)

December 10, 2003

Third Warsaw ‘Human Rights in Film’ festival ready

For the third time, the Warsaw Human Rights House hosts the ´Human Rights in Film´ festival. This year, with more than 60 films, ranging from cinematic portraits, to feature length documentaries approaching their subject matter in an almost fictional narrative style, the festival is bigger and better than ever. (10-DEC-03)

December 9, 2003

Further photo evidence of police violence in Azerbaijan

HRH has received many more pictures to document the violent way with which the police broke up the post-election demonstrations in the Republic of Azerbaijan mid October. The pictures add evidence to the testimonies of the unacceptable behaviour of both parties, but with the police the better armed and thus capable of causing the more serious damage. (09-DEC-03)

December 8, 2003

Nobel Peace Prize winner launches book

While in Oslo this week to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, Shirin Ebadi will launch her book ´Democracy, Human Rights and Islam in Modern Islamic Republic of Iran. Psychological, Social and Cultural Perspectives´. The book, a critical analysis of contemporary Islamic Republic of Iran focussing on family issues, education and the economy, has been written and edited in co-operation with the Rafto Foundation, one of the organisations at the Human Rights House in Bergen. (8-DEC-03)

December 8, 2003

Non-Centrists to become ‘minorities’ in the new Duma

The Dec 7 Russian parliamentary elections dramatically demonstrated the failure of the smaller, non-centrist and opposition parties to make an impression on its country´s politics. According to a preliminary report, the leading ´Edinstvo´ party, advertising itself as ´acting together with the President´ took 36,8% of the votes. Only three other parties (no Rights-wings among them) surpassed the 5% level required to enter the new parliament. The analysts say the Duma is likely to be not just pro-presidential, but purely ´presidential´. (08-DEC-03)