Conference on socioeconomic issues
The one-day conference on socioeconomic issues was held in Sarajevo, organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies on Thursday, May 27, 2004.
Influence of Likvidacy law on women position in BiH
Last week Zene Zenama – Women to Women in co-operation with Independent Trade Union in BiH, organised a public discussion on a topic “Implementation of Likvidacy law – influence on women rights, woman position and other consequences.” (29-MAY-04)
We are moving!
The Norwegian Human Rights House will move to new facilities on 7 June 2004. In addition to the present organisations at the Human Rights House, we will share offices with Amnesty International, Nansen Dialogue Project, The Norwegian Council for the Rights of Kurdish People, and The Norwegian Burma Committee. The intention is to strengthen human rights work both on a local, national and international level. New contact details: Tordenskioldsgate 6b, 0160 Oslo, Norway. Tel: (+47) 22 47 92 00, Fax: (+47) 22 47 92 01. (28-MAY-04)
New Human Rights House in Oslo
The Norwegian Human Rights House will move to new facilities on 7 June 2004. The present organisations at the Human Rights House will share offices with Amnesty International, Nansen Dialogue Project, The Norwegian Council for the Rights of Kurdish People, and The Norwegian Burma Committee. The intention is to strengthen human rights work both on a local, national and international level. New contact details: Tordenskioldsgate 6b, 0160 Oslo, Norway. Tel: (+47) 22 47 92 00, Fax: (+47) 22 47 92 01. (28-MAY-04)
International PENs world congress in Tromsø
From September 6th through the 12th 2004 Norwegian PEN will host International PENs world congress in Tromsø. The safeguarding and further development of literature written in minority languages is one of the main themes at this congress which will take place in Tromsø in the northern part of Norway, the other theme being writers in exile.(24-MAY-04)
Statement Against the Torture in Iraq
The combination of gross humiliation and violence that we have been witnessing these last weeks – the torture in the prisons of Iraq, military actions against civilians in Iraq and the demolishing of lives and homes in Gaza, represent severe and destructive attacks on human rights and human dignity, says Ms Nora Sveaass at the International Society for Health and Human RIghts (21-MAY-04).
Conference: Activists under Attack
An international conference titled “Activists under Attack. Defending the Right to be a Human Rights Defender” is to be arranged in Oslo, Norway, on 13-14 October 2004. Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, the Human Rights House Network will host the conference.(24-MAY-04)
Statement Against the Torture in Iraq
The combination of gross humiliation and violence that we have been witnessing these last weeks – the torture in the prisons of Iraq, military actions against civilians in Iraq and the demolishing of lives and homes in Gaza, represent severe and destructive attacks on human rights and human dignity, says Ms Nora Sveaass at the International Society for Health and Human RIghts (21-MAY-04).
The judgment in the “Wacko case” should go to appeal
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee believes that the verdict of Heggen and Frøland Municipal Court in case 03-00699 M of 25 March 2004 should be brought up for appeal. The verdict acquitted a policeman charged with “negligently causing the death of another person” on the grounds that he acted in self-defence. The trial appeared to be particularly flawed by the manner in which the chairman of the court led the proceedings.(1-APRIL-04)