Zimbabwe: “Mbeki’s betrayal” denounced
Mugabe´s reign will last for as long as Zimbabwe´s neighbours remain silent about their misgivings, it was said in a seminar in Oslo last month. Now, Zimbabweans abroad have strongly condemned South Africa for blocking the condemnation of Zimbabwe by a United Nations committee. This shows that President Thabo Mbeki supports the repressive and authoritarian regime in Zimbabwe. (29-NOV-04)
IHF: Massive violations in Ukraine
Violations have increased ahead of 31 October 2004 Presidential Election in Ukraine, reads an Appeal from the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) and the Ukrainian Helsinki Union. They point to the massive violations of the electoral law and the OSCE and CoE standards for elections. (28-OCT-04)
Vawkavysk District Court Fines Andrey Shantarovich
Vawkavysk District Court fined the chief editor of Mestnaya Gazeta newspaper 50 basic values (1 200 000 Belarusian rubles). Judge Yury Yakimovich considered the hunger-strike of the defendant as unauthorized picket. (26-NOV-04)
Journalist seeking court protection from the Secret Service
The «Puljiz» affair, which has been under the public scrutiny for more than a month now, is still without resolution. Namely, freelance journalist Helena Puljiz accused Croatian Counter – Intelligence Services (CIS) for unauthorized and illegal questioning. Even after her public appearance and addres to the Civic Committee for Oversight of the Secret Services, as well as numerous public discussions, Republic of Croatia knows very little of what lies beneath the surface of the affair while Helena Puljiz decided to seek court protection (26-NOV-04)
Volha Zavadskaya’s complaint rejected
On 25 November the college board of Minsk City Court rejected the demand by Volha Zavadskaya, the mother of cameraman Zmitser Zavadski who disappeared in July 2000, to renew the investigation. (26-NOV-04)
Seminar on the consequences of the Ukraine elections coming up
Possible outcomes and long-term consequences of the Presidential Election in Ukraine will be debated 2 December in Oslo at a seminar hosted by The Centre for Russian Studies, NUPI and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee. (26-NOV-04)
Belarusian court rejects complaint from missing cameraman’s mother
On 25 November the demand from the mother of Zmitser Zavadski, a Belarusian cameraman who disappeared in July 2000, to renew the investigation of the case, was rejected by the College Board of Minsk City Court. (26-NOV-04)
Croatian journalist seeks court protection from the Secret Service
The «Puljiz» affair, which has been under the public scrutiny for more than a month now, is still without resolution. The freelance journalist Helena Puljiz accused Croatian Counter – Intelligence Services (CIS) for unauthorized and illegal questioning. Puljiz has decided to seek court protection. (26-NOV-04)
Demonstration outside the Ukrainian Embassy in Oslo
While several hundred thousands of Ukrainian democrats made their demands clear for the fifth consecutive day in Kiev, some fifty Ukrainians joined by representatives from approximately ten different organisations did the same outside the Ukrainian Embassy in Oslo today. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights House Foundation were among those who gave weight to the demand for Victor Justshenko to be declared winner of the elections and thus the next President of Ukraina. (26-NOV-04)