

December 19, 2004

One more falsified election in Azerbaijan: Municipal elections

In her article, One more falsified election in Republic of Azerbaijan: Municipal elections , the Azerbaijani human rights activist Shahla Ismayilova describes how the municipality elections were falsified in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Today, the reality shows that the word “elections” causes sad smile in the Republic of Azerbaijan society. Our country has great experience of monitoring the fraudulent elections in the past 10 years, the top of which was during the presidential elections. We had the whole pack of horror last year – from roundabout voting up to severe street battles. (20-DEC-2004)

December 19, 2004

Azerbaijan: All about municipal elections

The municipal elections were held in the Republic of Azerbaijan on 17 December, 2004.  38,041 candidates ran for 21622 places in 2732 municipalities. 95 % of candidates were men, 5 % – women. 35.5 % of candidates are people who are younger than 40, 39.8 % are people who are at age of 40 to 50, 17.4 % – of 50 to 60 and 3 % of candidates are ones who are older than 60.  (19-DEC-2004)

December 17, 2004

The civil control should be carried out over all closed institutions

Participants of section ” The Civil control over authority´s actions ” came to such conclusion, working within the framework of the All-Russia Civic Congress ” the Russian Federation for democracy, against dictatorship “. (17-DEC-04)

December 17, 2004

Azerbaijan: Massive violations in municipality elections, says EMC

Today municiplaity elections are held in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Baku-based Election Monitoring Centre (EMC) works in the direction of the development of the election system, improvement of the election legislation, organization of monitoring in the election process, creation of the democratic election environment. Today, the EMC conducts monitoring process on municipality elections via corps of domestic observers consists of NGO members and volunteers in 38 district election commisiions (DEC) of Republic of Azerbaijan Republic. (17-DEC-2004)

December 16, 2004

Prosecutor’s offices ping-pong a complaint

Several days ago the deputies of deputy soviets of districts of Minsk, members of Belarusian People’s Front Ales Mikhalevich and Yury Ziankovich received the answer to their complaint against the deprivation of the right to be elected. (16-DEC-2004)

December 16, 2004

More Belarusian officials declared personae non-grata

The European Union decided to prohibit the entrance to its territory to the police colonel Padabed for participation in the beating of the leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka during the protest action of 20 October and the head of the Central Election Committee of Republic of Belarus Lidziya Yarmoshyna — for falsification of the results of the parliamentary election and the referendum of 17 October. (16-DEC-2004)

December 16, 2004

Azerbaijan: IPD concerned over situation with municipality elections

“The situation concerning the nearing municipality elections due on 17 December in the Republic of Azerbaijan is miserable”, says Leyla Yunus, director of the non-governmentInstitute of Peace and Democracy (IPD). Mass arrest actions follow every elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan and according to IPC the municipal election in 2004 are not an exception.( (15-DEC-2004).

December 15, 2004

Russian Civic Congress- liberals have joint against Putin and Dictatorship

On December 12 , the 10th anniversary of the Russian Constitution, a Civic Congress of political parties and movements opposed to President Putin´s policies have been  held in Moscow. Politicians and human rights defenders unite in the fight for democracy. (15-DEC-2004)

December 15, 2004

EU Guidelines an important tool, HRH says

– EU Guidelines on human rights defenders are an important tool for a stronger protection of and support to activists, says the Human Rights House Foundation (HRH). HRH participated at an EU conference last week about implementation of the Guidelines. (15-DEC-04)