A Year for Human Rights Defenders
“At a time when human rights defenders are being attacked, harassed and stigmatised around the world… we should pay tribute to these thousands of men and women to whom we owe so much.”
Strengthening rights of soldiers, improving prison conditions
Socially significant human rights projects have been launched by two member organisations of the Russian Research Center for Human Rights.
Creative Outreach on Human Rights
Dmitri Makarov gives insight into how Human Rights House Voronezh is using innovative methods to reach out to wider society on human rights.
Poland’s President Duda signs Holocaust bill into law
Poland’s president has signed into law a controversial amendment to National Remembrance Institute Act. In HFHR’s view it may lead to an unreasonable interference with the freedom of expression.
Existential Threat to Hungarian Civil Society
Human Rights House Foundation calls on the Hungarian parliament to reject new restrictive laws, and for the government to end its escalating crackdown against civil society.
European Convention to Protect Lawyers
Calling for a European convention to protect lawyers, PACE has raised concerns that harassment, threats, and attacks against lawyers continue in many Council of Europe Member States.
EU must respond to ill democracy
The case study Resisting Ill Democracies in Europe continues to make an impact in capitals across Europe. Last week, the NGOs publishing it were in Brussels to raise the issue with MEPs and engage the EU in the discussion.
Consultation on the implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan: experts’ opinions
Minsk hosted another round of expert consultations on National Human Rights Action Plan, organized jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Office in Belarus.
Кансультацыі аб выкананні Нацыянальнага плана дзеянняў па правах чалавека: меркаванні экспертаў
У Мінску пад эгідай Міністэрства замежных спраў Беларусі і Прадстаўніцтва ААН прайшоў чарговы раунд экспертных кансультацый згодна з Нацыянальным планам дзеянняў па правах чалавека.