

June 7, 2006

Perihan Magden’s trial adjourned

The trial of writer Perihan Magden began on 7 June, only to be adjourned until 27 July. Magden faces charges of “alienating the people from military service” following an article she wrote as part of her regular column in Aktuel in which she defended imprisoned conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan. She faces three years? imprisonment if convicted.  Magden´s trial was reported to have been adjourned to allow the prosecutors to collect further evidence on her case. (07-JUNE-06)

June 6, 2006

40 on hunger strike protesting political repression

The mass hunger strike lasts for already 9 days in the Republic of Belarus. 40 young people demand to stop criminal proceeding of activists of “Young Front” organization and political arrests of oppositionists. (06-JUN-06)

June 6, 2006

Belarus: 40 on hunger strike in protest against political repressions

A mass hunger strike that started 9 days ago, is continuing in the Republic of Belarus. Some 40 young people are demanding hat the authorities stop the criminal proceeding against activists of the organisation “Young Front” and no longer arrest people on political grounds. Lately more than 20 people political prisoners have been sentenced. (06-JUN-06)

June 5, 2006

Maria Dahle visiting HRH Zagreb

After almost two years Maria Dahle, the Executive Director of the Human Rights House  Foundation visited Zagreb to follow-up the establishment of a Human Rights House in Zagreb. Five years of continuos efforts to set up the House finally yield fruits as the emergence of HRH Zagreb reached it´s final stages. (21-JUN-06)

June 4, 2006

Discrimination of sexual minorities

Homophobia has been rapidly increasing in the Russian Federation. Homosexuals fall a prey to violent attacks from politicians, representatives of Orthodox church and members of extremist groups. On May 27th, the International Day for the Struggle against Homophobia, skinheads again disrupted a peaceful gay-action. Deputies have prepared a bill establishing criminal responsibility for ‘propaganda’ of homosexuality. (04-JUN-06)

June 4, 2006

The right way to handle North Korea

Dr. Soh Changrok is a professor of international relations at the Graduate School of International Studies at Korea University, and a trustee of the Citizens´ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights. In this article, which he wrote after having participated at the 7th Conference on North korean Human Rights and Refugees, he shares his thoughts about a possible new approach to human rigths challenges for the 21st century. (03-JUNE-2006)

June 4, 2006

Discrimination of sexual minorities

Homophobia has been rapidly increasing in the Russian Federation. Homosexuals fall a prey to violent attacks from politicians, representatives of Orthodox church and members of extremist groups. On May 27th, the International Day for the Struggle against Homophobia, skinheads again disrupted a peaceful gay-action. Deputies have prepared a bill establishing criminal responsibility for ‘propaganda’ of homosexuality. (04-JUN-06)

June 2, 2006

Statement of the Helsinki Committee in Poland regarding the lustration

Helsinki Committee in Poland is concerned by the current suggestions that the Lustration Court should be abolished and to transfer the burden of proof onto individuals who challenge allegations of their having collaborated with the security agencies of the PRL in court. (02-JUNE-06)

June 2, 2006

Andrei Dynko will discuss Belarusian media in Moscow

Between 4 and 7 June, the World Editor Forum will take place in Moscow, the Russian Federation, organised by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN). More than 1,500 publishers, chief editors, managing directors, and senior newspaper executives from 90 countries are expected at the event which is one of the major meetings of the world press. Andrej Dynko, editor-in-chief of the Belarusian Nasha Niva, will give a lecture on the state of the Belarusian media landscape and the difficulties of independent journalism in the Republic of Belarus. Read his lecture here. (02-JUN-06)