

July 11, 2006

On the eve of the G8 summit…

On July 5th, the conference of non-governmental organizations “Human rights in the Russian Federation in the year of its presidency in G8 and in the Council of Europe” took place in Moscow. The conference established a systemic human rights crisis and problems with democratic institutions.  The delegates to the conference adopted a petition to the leaders of G8 nations.  (10-JUL-06)

July 7, 2006

Will the Office for counteracting discrimination due to race and ethnic origin be established in Pol

On 3 July, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights approached Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz with an inquiry regarding the status and course of work on the establishment of the office for counteracting discrimination due to race and ethnic origin. Although Republic of Poland, as a member of the European Union, is obligated to form an independent office dealing with such issues, up till now this has not been done. (07-JULY-06)

July 7, 2006

The new report on the state of human rights observance in Poland!

The new report is available on the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights website ( concerning the state of human rights observance in the Republic of Poland in 2005. The report was prepared for the European Commission by the President of Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights Marek Antoni Nowicki – the European Union’s expert on Fundamental Rights Issues. (07-JULY-06)

July 7, 2006

Falun Gong prisoners used in organ harvesting

What happens when a repressive regime figures out how to use a “fundamental machine for crushing human beings physically, psychologically, and spiritually” to turn a profit not just from the labour of prisoners, but from their deaths as well? The answer has come to light over the past few years as reports have trickled out about the consequences Falun Gong practitioners have faced for leading spiritually, morally and physically healthy lifestyles: the removal of their organs for sale to facilitate a black market transplant trade. (7-JULY-06)

July 7, 2006

Sad anniversary in Belarus

Today it is 6 years ago that cameraman Dzmitry Zavadski, working for the Russian TV channel ORT, vanished without leaving a trace. It has never become clear what has happened to him. The Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ)  demands that Belarusian authorities restart investigations. (05-JUL-06)

July 6, 2006

HRH protests against imprisonment of Georgian human rights defenders

The Human Rights House Foundation has appealed to the authorities of Georgia to restart proceedings in a case against 5 members of the Georgian NGO the Equality Institute and reverse a previous verdict that was executed on 29 June. The five were sentenced to 30 days’ imprisonment for protesting in front of a court building in the capital Tbilisi during a lawsuit. The Human Rights House Foundation considers the ruling to be unlawful and not complying with the conditions of a fair trial. (06-JUL-06)

July 6, 2006

HRH protests against imprisonment of Georgian human rights defenders

The Human Rights House Foundation has appealed to the authorities of Georgia to restart proceedings in a case against 5 members of the Georgian NGO the Equality Institute and reverse a previous verdict that was executed on 29 June. The five were sentenced to 30 days’ imprisonment for protesting in front of a court building in the capital Tbilisi during a lawsuit. The Human Rights House Foundation considers the ruling to be unlawful and not complying with the conditions of a fair trial. (06-JUL-06)

July 5, 2006

NGOs call for release of Azeri journalist

The Reporters without borders spread the appeal from the Support Committee for Sakit Zahidov  to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) calling for the release of the journalist who has been in custody since 23 June 2006 for alleged drug possession.The appeal has been signed by 19 public figures, independent journalists, political leaders and human rights activists. (2-JULY-06)

July 5, 2006

Sad anniversary in Belarus

APPEAL of the Belarusian Association of Journalists dated for the 6 anniversary of the disappearance of Dzmitry Zavadski,cameraman for the Russian TV channel ORT with demands to Belarusian authorities to start the investigation again. (05-JUL-06)