

October 3, 2006

The Elections were Fair and Correct

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has assessed that the General Elections on 1 October 2006 were held in a fair and democratic atmosphere. Problems that occurred during the elections have not affected the elections procedure significantly or the election results, and it can therefore be assumed that the final results will in fact reflect the will of electors. (03-OCT-06)

October 2, 2006

Amnesty International is concerned about Freedom in Azerbaijan

This week the Amnesty International Released the report Europe and Central Asia: Summary of Amnesty International´s Concerns in the Region: January – June 2006. The report gives the summary of the important indicators of the freedom and democracy in the country, such as May election re-runs, freedom of expression and fair trials. The report lists the facts on poor records in these sections and has concern on the current public-political situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (30-SEPT-2006)

October 2, 2006

Belarus is under UN Human Rights Council criticism.

“The poor Human Right situation in the Republic of Belarus had deteriorated in 2005 – the democracy principles, supremacy of law, Human Rights, among them, freedom of expression,  freedom of association, mass media and priority of peaceful assemblies were violated”-  it says in Adrian Severin’s report- Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Republic of Belarus.(02-OCT-06)

September 30, 2006

Just another wave of xenophobia and anti Semitism in Russia

This week two foreigners were attacked in St. Petersburg. On September, 24th a student from India was killed and a Republic of the Sudan citizen was wounded.  Foreign students held a rally, demanding justice. In the same days strangers attacked two synagogues – in Astrakhan and Khabarovsk. (30-SEP-06)

September 29, 2006

Election campaign brings polarization along national lines

The one-month election campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina, preceding the General Elections scheduled for 1 October 2006, has reminded the non-partisan observers of the rhetoric that had been employed in the nineties of the previous century and it has failed the expectations regarding opening of opportunities for the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union, as reported by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (29-SEP-06)

September 29, 2006

Momcilo Krajisnik sentenced to 27 years of prison

The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) sentenced on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 Momcilo Krajisnik, former senior Bosnian Serb political official, to 27 years of prison, and acquitted him of genocide charges. (29-SEP-06)

September 29, 2006

Follow ISHR’s daily reports on the UN Human Rights Council sessions

Catching up on the Geneva based International Service for Human Rights´ daily reports on the ongoing sessions of the UN Human Rights Council, please follow this link to consult all the reports published so far, one per day, up until and including yesterday. (07-OCT-06)

September 27, 2006

‘Dreaming Lhasa’ shortlisted for the 16th Films from the South Festival

The 16th  Films from the South Festival will take place in Oslo from October 5.– 15 2006.  Nobel peace prize winner Shirin Ebadi (Iran) and Norwegian minister for Culture Mr Trond Giske  will open the 16th Films From the South Festival on Thursday October the 5th. ‘Dreaming Lhasa,’ a feature film by Ritu Sarin and Tenzin Sonam  is among the selected films to be screened for the festival. (27-SEP-06)

September 26, 2006

Norwegian authorities call on Vitnam to release Rafto laureate

First Deputy Chairman Mrs Erna H. Solberg, right, (The Conservative Party) yesterday called on Vietnamese authorities on behalf of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Norwegian Parliament to release this years Rafto Prize recipient, Thich Quang Do. (26-SEP-06)