

January 16, 2007

Tibet: How to stifle the opposition

JUSTICE? Those who wield the most power choose to torture their opponents to the point where the oppressed are driven to voice their dissent and strike back. Gotcha! – «The Terrorist.» Right, released Tibetan nun Phuntsog Nyidron, who visited the Human Rights House in Oslo in December. (16-JAN-07)

January 15, 2007

Burmese HR defender Charm Tong wins Students’ Peace Prize 2007

The Norwegian Burma Committee (NBC) welcomes the news that Charm Tong, right, (25) of Burma has been awarded the Students´ Peace Prize for 2007, for her work for peace and democracy in her own country. Despite her young age, Tang is already a seasoned human rights activist, whose work has brought her to meet some of the most influential people in the world, among them US President George W. Bush. (15-JAN-07)

January 12, 2007

Discrimination of minorities in Bosnia unacceptable

After 12 years of work, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has gained the reputation of an impartial, objective monitor, an organization speaking out against violations of human rights, regardless of whom the violators or the victims are, and regardless of the ethnic, political and ideological background. – Interview with Srdjan Dizdarevic, Vice Chairman of the International Helsinki Federation and Chairman of the Helsinki Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (12-JAN-07)

January 12, 2007

-Investigate Norwegian company for accessory to torture at Guantánamo

HRH F joined an Amnesty International-initiated appeal yesterday for the Norwegian contractor Aker Kvaerner to be investigated for accessory to torture at Guantánamo. HRH´s own appeal states that the detention camp has become an icon of injustice committed in the ´war on terror,´ undermining security and respect for the rule of law. HRH F further calls for the Guantánamo detention camp to be closed and for detainees to be charged and tried in full and fair proceedings, says Executive Director Maria Dahle, right. (12-JAN-07)

January 12, 2007

Discrimination of minorities in Bosnia unacceptable

– The citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are not equal before the law. Their status depend on their nationality and place of residence. This is unacceptable, says Srdjan Dizdarevic (right), newly re-elected Vice Chairman of the International Helsinki Federation, and Chairman of the Helsinki Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (12-JAN-2007)

January 12, 2007

EU should fill leadership void on human rights, says Human Rights Watch

With US credibility undermined by the Bush administration’s use of torture and detention without trial, the European Union must fill the leadership void on human rights, Human Rights Watch said today in releasing its World Report 2007. (12-JAN-07)

January 11, 2007

NBC welcomes former student leader Min Ko Naing’s release

The Norwegian Burma Committee welcomes the release of the former student leaders Min Ko Naing, right, Ko Ko Gyi, Htay Kway, Min Zeya and Myint Aye, who have been detained without charge and at an unknown location since September last year. The five well-known prisoners of conscience are released shortly before the UN Security Council will decide on a proposed resolution on Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). (11-JAN-07)

January 11, 2007

Oslo: NBC welcomes former student leader Min Ko Naing’s release

The Norwegian Burma Committee welcomes the release of the former student leaders Min Ko Naing, Ko Ko Gyi, Htay Kway, Min Zeya and Myint Aye, who have been detained without charge and at an unknown location since September last year. The five well-known prisoners of conscience are released shortly before the UN Security Council will decide on a proposed resolution on Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). (11-JAN-07)

January 10, 2007

Chinese government’s claims of Uyghur terrorism still lack substance

Chinese authorities continue to fabricate accusations against the Uyghurs in general, and against Rebiya Kadeer in particular. In a press release on January 9, The Uyghur American Association states that there is no substance to the claims from the Chinese government of the existence of active terrorist groups among the Uyghur population. “We oppose all forms of violence,” says Rebiya Kadeer, right, president of the UAA. read the full press release below. (10-JAN-07)