

January 26, 2007

New NHC report: Turkey: Need for firm leadership on human rights

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) yesterday launched a new report, addressing the need for firm leadership on human rights in the Republic of Turkey. Deputy Secretary General of NHC Gunnar M. Karlsen, right, says that the report deals with issues of torture, ‘war’ against terror, the Kurdish problem, freedom of thought and expression and freedom of organization. (26-JAN-07)

January 25, 2007

Belarusian Helsinki Committee evicted from its offices

The administrative service of the President of Republic of Belarus has notified the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), an affiliate of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, of the termination of the Committee´s office rental contract, and has ordered the Committee to vacate its office. Right, BHC´s Executive Director Oleg Hulak and Lawyer and Vice President Harry Pogonjalo. (25-JAN-07)

January 25, 2007

Poland before the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

On 16 January, the Polish government presented a report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women from the execution of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). A few days earlier (on 12 January) the members of the Committee met with the representatives of Polish women’s organizations and familiarized themselves with the shadow report that they prepared. (25- JAN-07)

January 25, 2007

Belarusian Helsinki Committee evicted from its offices

The administrative service of the President of Republic of Belarus has notified the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), an affiliate of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, of the termination of the Committee´s office rental contract, and has ordered the Committee to vacate its office. Right, BHC´s Executive Director Oleg Hulak and Lawyer and Vice President Harry Pogonjalo. (25-JAN-07)

January 24, 2007

Armenian writer Hrant Dink shot and killed in Istanbul

The prominent Armenian writer and publisher Hrant Dink, right, was shot on January 19 just outside of the office of the Armenian newspaper AGOS in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey. Dink was a brave defender of the Armenians’ rights, human rights and multicultural Republic of Turkey. He was sentenced several times for “insulting and denigrating Turkishness”. As others journalists and writers in the Republic of Turkey Dink was threatened to death on several occasions. He informed authorities about these threats, but he never got any kind of protection. (24-JAN-07)

January 24, 2007

-We will not be silenced, says RCFS after Supreme Court’s decision

Yesterday, 23 January, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation upheld the decision of the Regional Court of the Russian Federation to liquidate our organization, the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society. The liquidation ruling came into force immediately. -We are definitely going to appeal to the European Court on Human Rights, says Oksana Chelysheva, editor of RCFS, right. (24-JAN-07)

January 23, 2007

Russian NGO needs help: Calls for European MPs’ support membership

Today, the Supreme Court in the Russian Federation will decide on the fate of human rights organisation Russian-Chechen Friendhip Society. It now pleads to European Members of Parliament for help. So far more than 80 persons have signed an open letter of support , including Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter, Noam Chomsky, and a number of European MPs. You can send an email with your signature to (National Endowment for Democracy) and (International Helsinki Federation)(23-JAN-07)

January 22, 2007

Marek Antoni Nowicki appointed to the Human Rights Advisory Panel

On 12 January of this year, attorney Marek Antoni Nowicki, the president of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, was appointed by the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Kosovo Joachim Rucker, upon the proposal by the President of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, as a member of the Human Rights Advisory Panel. (22-JAN-07)

January 22, 2007

Appeal to Chinese authorities

The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights has issued an appeal to Chinese authorities urging it to put an end to the reported harassment of the 2004 Rafto Prize Laureate Rebiya Kadeer´s family as a reaction to her peaceful human rights activities. If you wish to support the action, print out the appeal, sign it and post it by air mail to the Chinese authorities. Thank you! (20-JAN-07)