

February 10, 2007

Opposition parties cut out of elections

In March fourteen regions of Russian Federation are holding local legislative elections. However, in a several regions two of the opposition liberal parties – Union of Right Forces and Yabloko (Apple) – have been barred from fielding candidates. The leaders of the said parties have already filed a suit against officials’ actions because as they claim the Elections Commission’s rejection is unfounded. Moreover, they believe the party in power has been controlling activities of elections commissions, wishing to liquidate possible rivals in the upcoming elections. (10-FEB-07)

February 10, 2007

Generations in exile from Africa’s last colony

In the Algerian hammada, a hot and harsh region of the Sahara, more than half the Sahrawi people have been waiting for 31 years to go home. In this first article of many that will appear on the Oslo and Bergen subpages in the next weeks, will focus on the human rights situation in Western Sahara. The occasion of this focus are the visits to Oslo and Bergen by two key human rights defenders from the region; Sidi Mohammed Daddach and Aminatou Haidar. (10-FEB-07) 

February 9, 2007

Seminar on sports and reconciliation 13 February

Different actors have called for a boycott of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing because the People´s Republic of China violates fundamental human rights. Others claim that since the Olympics is full of politics anyway; the political aspects of the Games can be made use of through presence and possible dialogue. In any way, the coming Olympics is a good occasion to discuss sports role in reconciliation work. (09-FEB-07) 

February 8, 2007

How the Universal Charter on Human’s Responsibilities came into being

Interaction Council, the association of former presidents and heads of governments all over the world, following long standing preparations with counsellors from different circles, on the 50th anniversary of the Universal Charter on Human Rights, proposed the Universal Charter on Human Responsibilities in 1998. In remembrance of the Universal Charter on Human Responsibilities, excerpts from the said address by Helmut Schmidt (right), former chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and honourable chair of the InterAction Council, published on 3 October 1997 are contained herewith. (07-FEB-07)

February 8, 2007

War crime trials need improvements

Great number of in absentia trials, as well as re-trials, indictments lacking in clarity, unstandardized practice of holding in custody and inadequate support to witnesses and victims, remain to be the most important shortcomings of war crime trials conducted before Croatian courts, stands in the Monitoring Report of the War Crime Trials for 2006, presented today by the Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights, Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Documenta and Civic Committee for Human Rights. (01-FEB-07)

February 8, 2007

Belarus: 25 youth activists arrested

On Sunday, 25 youth activists were detained in Minsk by the police. Two of them, Aleh Korban and Dzmitry Fedaryk, were suspected of organizing or participating in activities of an unregistered public organization. They may be sentenced to two years in prison. Human rights defenders fear a new wave of political repression. (06-FEB-07)

February 8, 2007

Russian military officials deny brutality

The case of private Roman Rudakovhe is the latest notorious incident of brutal treatment in the army. After severe beatings by his unit, the soldier underwent ten operations, his small intestine was ablated. Military officials denied the fact of violence and ascribed Rudakov’s severe condition to allegedly latent congenital blood disease.

February 6, 2007

About inappropriate relations in Russian army

The latest notorious incident of brutal treatment in the army – is a case of private Roman Rudakov.  After severe beatings in his unit the soldier underwent ten operations, his small intestine was ablated. Military officials denied the fact of violence and ascribed Rudakov’s severe condition to allegedly latent congenital blood disease. (6-FEB-07)

February 6, 2007

New wave of political repression in Belarus

On 4 February 25 youth activists were detained in Minsk by police. Two of them Aleh Korban and Dzmitry Fedaryk are suspected of the organization or participation in activity of unregistered public organization. In accordance with this article they could be sentenced to imprisonment for the term up to two years. Human rights defenders consider these arrests as the beginning of a new wave of political repressions against activists of the civil society in the Republic of Belarus. (06-FEB-07)