

March 8, 2007

Egyptian blogs begin new conversation for women

Like many people living in countries where expressing unorthodox views can be difficult, Egyptians have turned to the Internet. The recent surge in blogging has given many Egyptians the opportunity to voice opinions about a range of subjects. Women in particular have tapped into the blogosphere, and female bloggers speak up on relevant issues facing women, considerably more confident than if they were to voice these opinions using a less anonymous medium. (08-MAR-07)

March 7, 2007

B.a.B.e. are opening the first safe house for women in Vukovar

B.a.B.e. are about to open the first shelter in Vukovarsko-srijemska County for women and children, victims of domestic violence. After a year of preparatory activities within the years long programme LEGALINE and a project aiming to provide legal counselling and psychological support, B.a.B.e. announced that the shelter will be opened in a couple of months. (07-MAR-07).

March 7, 2007

USA slams Burma for violations of human rights

The United States slammed the Burmese junta yesterday for gross violations of human rights and said it would use multilateral avenues to put pressure on the government. The condition in the country with regard to human rights has deteriorated, it said. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Barry F Lowenkron, right, told reporters: “I want to use all the multilateral tools to press for fundamental change in Burma and for the freedom of Aung San Suu Kyi, for her demands, for her requests to open up a dialogue.” (07-MAR-07)

March 7, 2007

Croatia: New safe house for women and children

The Croatian women’s organisation B.a.B.e. is about to open the first shelter in Vukovarsko-srijemska County for women and children, victims of domestic violence. After a year of preparatory activities within the years long programme LEGALINE and a project aiming to provide legal counselling and psychological support, B.a.B.e. announced that the shelter will be opened within a couple of months. (07-MAR-07)

March 6, 2007

Do women have equal rights with men in Russia?

Gender stereotypes are widespread in Russian society. Although the Russian Federation adopted official policy of equality Russian authorities did not create the conditions that would result in true equality between men and women. (06-MAR-07)

March 6, 2007

Aminatou Haidar of Western Sahara visits the Oslo Human Rights House

Tomorrow, Wednesday 7 March at 11.30, the Norwegian Section of Amnesty International, the Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara and the Human Rights House Foundation co-host an open meeting at the Human Rights House in Oslo, with the well-known Saharawi human rights defender Aminatou Haidar, right. (06-MAR-07)

March 5, 2007

HRH Network’s advisory team assembles in Oslo

From 1 to 4 March, the Human Rights House Network´s Advisory team, consisting of representatives from all established and emerging Human Rights Houses, was gathered at the Human Rights House in Oslo, right, for intensive meetings, both internally, and with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Members of Parliament, and others. (05-MAR-07)

March 3, 2007

Journalist competition THE DIFFERENT ONE (TEN INNY)

The Young Journalists’ Association “POLIS” and the Viridarium Group are organizing a journalist competition entitled: “TEN INNY”. The competition is carried out under the auspices of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and within the framework of the Council of Europe Campaign “All different-all equal”. (03-MAR-07)

March 1, 2007

IRAN: Online journalists outraged by new censorship laws

In a country that Reporters sans Frontiers labelled ‘the biggest prison for journalists in the Middle east’, the internet has become the last public arena for dissenting voices.  But even this relatively safe haven is threatened by new laws demanding the registration of all websites and weblogs sourced in the country by 1 March 2007.  Iranian bloggers are incensed by the move, which they say will stifle the already tenuous right to free speech. (01-MAR-07)