

April 26, 2007

An honour for Belarusian Human Rights Movement

Famous Belarusian activist and human rights defender Ales Bialiatski became Vice-President of FIDH. Mr. Bialiatski made an outstanding contribution to the development of Belarusian human rights movement. His election indicates the difficult situation with the respect for HR in the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian democratic society sincerely appreciates international society for the support and regard for Republic of Belarus. (25-APR-07)

April 25, 2007

Fallout of recent Marches

22th April a few well-known human rights activists were detained in the center of Moscow, while they tried to organize a peaceful walk in support of victims of the March of Discontent on 14th of April. Meanwhile, human rights activists created the Public Committee for investigation of the events, connected with severe violations of Constitutional rights of citizens, such as right to organize public meetings and demonstrations. They also sent an open statement to the President of RF. (26-APR-07)

April 25, 2007

Polish Solidarity with Cuba

The inauguration of the activity of the Committee for Solidarity with Cuba took place on 24 April 2007 at the Museum of John Paul II Collection – Janina and Zbigniew Porczyñski Gallery in Warsaw. The meeting provided an opportunity to present the ideas behind the establishment of the Committee and its planned activity, as well as to pass an appeal directed to Cubans. (25-APR-07)

April 25, 2007

Ales Bialiatski elected Vice-President of the FIDH

Famous Belarusian activist and human rights defender Ales Bialiatski became Vice-President of FIDH. Mr. Bialiatski made an outstanding contribution to the development of Belarusian human rights movement. His election indicates the difficult situation with the respect for HR in the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian democratic society sincerely appreciates international society for the support and regard for Republic of Belarus. (25-APR-07)

April 23, 2007

Canadian-Uyghur activist jailed for life in China

Huseyin Celil (37), Uyghur activist with Canadian citizenship, is found guilty of “terrorist activities and plotting to split the country” by the Intermediate People´s Court in Urumqi. He was sentenced to life in jail and to permanent loss of his political rights. After the sentencing, on 19 April 2007, the People´s Republic of China warned Canada against pressing his case. Canadian government offical say that they are reviewing the verdict and will have a reaction in due course. (23-APR-07)

April 23, 2007

Rebiya Kadeer’s son sentenced to nine year’s imprisonment

On 17 April 2007 the People’s Court of Urumchi sentenced Rebiya Kadeer’s son Ablikim Abdureyim (left) to nine years imprisonment for “instigating and engaging in secessionist activities”. According to the Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Project (UNPO) Ablikim was tried in a secret trial. (23-APR-07)

April 23, 2007

Culture of protest resonates in Oaxaca

On 21 March, Hardy and Kathy Will visited Mexico City and Oaxaca, where their son Brad Will was gunned down at Santa Lucia del Camino on 27 October, 2006. They arrived in the country intent on securing a more thorough investigation into the death of their son, who was shot while convering an annual protest. Contrary to state and federal prosecutors´ claims that responsibility for the violence fell to the protesters, several eyewitnesses insist the police and government officials opened fire on the crowd. The incident has had a profound effect on the atmosphere of protest in the state, and has taken a significant toll on the media there. (06-APRIL-07)

April 23, 2007

New book sheds light on repression

Sihem Ben Sedrine is just one of the many voices featured in English PEN’s new book entitled Another Sky . It contains writing, many previously unpublished, from ‘voices of conscience’ around the world. These writers decry the brutality and repression of their country’s governments and champion the advancement of free expression and non-violence. Whilst they have met with a wide variety of fates, theyare unified in the strength of their conscience. Their resistance to censorship has led to their imprisonment, torture, exile, or even death. Yet their writing bears witness to the resilience and good humour with which they have sustained themselves. (23-APR-07)

April 23, 2007

Appeal against the Belarusian membership in UN Human Rights Council

Belarusian authorities intend to get the UN HR Council membership this year. Belarusian human rights defenders urge  the international community to refuse from including representatives of Republic of Belarus to the UN Human Rights Council till the Belarusian government demonstrates real respect to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.(20-APR-07)