

May 3, 2007

Youth Activist Arrested

Yesterday, January 13, Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, a youth activist, Chairman of the local branch of the international youth organization AIESEC ( ) was arrested by the police. He is reported to have been kept in the isolation confinement of the Narimanov district police office (Baku city). (14-JAN-07)

May 3, 2007

OSCE: Year 2006 was not Good for Azerbaijani Press

“Journalists were subjected to constant and very strong pressure. I hope these problems will be resolved in 2007 and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of press, will be observed” said Robin Seaword, acting head of OSCE office in the Republic of Azerbaijan. OSCE is deeply concerned about the latest attacks on journalists. (13-JAN-07)

May 3, 2007

Amnesty International Launches Campaign

Having documented a number of incidents in which journalists were seriously assaulted by unknown actors, including the most recent assaults on Ali Orujov and Nijat Huseynov, Amnesty International launched the Campaign. The Campaign includes the action of sending courteous letters in Azeri, Russian, English, Turkish or your other language on the concern about the attacks on Ali Orujov and Nijat Huseynov to urge the police and prosecution authorities to provide information to the general public on the scope, methods, findings and progress of investigations into attacks on journalists. (12-JAN-07)

May 3, 2007

European Prices via Azerbaijani Salaries

The decision of the Tariff Council of Republic of Azerbaijan on the 7-th of January 2007 has become a real New Year surprise for Azerbaijani population. The increase of the price for electric energy to more than 3 times and for petrol to 50% influenced the tariffs of all other categories. Such a decision of the State Organ was explained by the intention to approach to the standards of the international market, which collapsed the fragile plans of the Azerbaijani population for better living. (09-JAN-07)

May 3, 2007

Brutal Attackon Journalist

The brutal attack on Nijat Huseynov, a journalist of the leading opposition daily Azadlig, caused concern of the Reporters Without Borders. Nijat Huseynov was beaten and stabbed by four assailants as he was leaving his home to go to work in Baku on 25 December. The recent anonymous phone calls with threats allow thinking about the link between his work and attack. (04-JAN-07)

May 3, 2007

Appeal against the Belarusian membership in UN Human Rights Council

Belarusian authorities intend to get the UN HR Councilmembership this year. Belarusian human rights defenders urge  the international community to refuse from including representatives of Republic of Belarus to the UN Human Rights Council till the Belarusian government demonstrates real respect to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.(20-APR-07)

May 2, 2007

Challenges for devolopment and human rights in Burma

The humanitarian work in Burma is becoming increasingly challenging as further restrictions have been put on international and local organizations the last year. The junta´s mismanagement and lack of respect for human rights have caused the difficult situation for the Burmese people. The Norwegian Burma Committee invites you to listen to Charles Petrie, right, from the United Nations Development Programme and Richard Horsey from the International Labour Organisation in Rangoon views on and visions for Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). (02-MAY-07)

April 29, 2007

Death of Boris Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin first President of the Russian Federation as an independent state from 1991 to 1999 died suddenly on April 23rd. Human rights activists call him the Founder and the Father of free the Russian Federation. A few thousand people came to the funeral ceremony. Violating the Russian Constitution the Moscow Patriarchate held the burial in a cathedral replacing the civil service. (30-APR-07)

April 27, 2007

ECHR judgment on the Polish lustration case

On 24 April, the European Court in Strasbourg, right, issued a judgment in the case Matyjek versus Republic of Poland stating the violation of Article 6 of the Convention. The case of T. Matyjek was the first Polish case concerning lustration proceedings considered by the Court. (27-APR-07)