

May 24, 2007

HRH F signs appeal protesting mistreatment of Sahrawi students

Over the last two weeks, Sahrawi students at colleges and universities across Morocco and Western Sahara have been subjected to serious human rights violations. On 23 May, 43 Norwegian civil society organisations signed a letter to the Moroccan government, demanding that the attacks on Sahrawi students are stopped, and that their rights are respected. (24-MAY-07)

May 24, 2007

Laws discriminate people with disabilities

Current legislative acts discriminate citizens with disabilities. Most of them date since the time when FYR Macedonia was part of Yugoslavia and are not consolidated in the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, argued the organisaiton Polio Plus – Movement Against Disability in favour of the governmental initiative called – “Regulatory Guillotine” – an idea for simplifying the laws and regulations.(23-MAY-07)

May 24, 2007

Kenya’s human rights record remains poor, says Amnesty International

Kenya’s human rights record has not improved under the Narc government, says the latest report by the Amnesty International. “There have been a remarkable decline in incidents of state repression against politicians and civil societies, but government agencies are engaging in blatant violation of the rights of common citizens.” (24-MAY-07)

May 22, 2007

Human Rights for Decision Makers

The Balkan Human Rights Network (BHRN) is organising the seventh Human Rights School for Future Decision Makers in Dubrovnik (Croatia), from 27 May until 10 June 2007. The School will gather 27 young leaders from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. (22-MAY-07)

May 21, 2007

Filmmaker sentenced for highlighting torture in police custody

As Egypt’s record on human rights continues to take a downturn, the country has put in a bid for a seat on the United Nation’s Human Rights Council. Egyptian and international rights organisations have joined together to oppose the bid, citing Egypt’s repeated refusal to allow the UN’s independent expert on torture visit the country. On 2 May, Al-Jazeera journalist Huwaida Taha Mitwalli was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment following her reports on torture in the country. The sentence sent a chilling message to journalists and activists marking World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. (18-MAY-07)

May 21, 2007

Ludmilla Alexeeva in Oslo

Ludmilla Alexeeva who founded the first human rights organisation in Russia; the Helsinki Committee in Moscow in 1976, is visiting Norway between 21 and 25 May. The members of the Moscow Helsinki Group were the one to inform the West about the Soviet Union’s violations of the Helsinki declaration from1975. This led to pursuit, imprisonment and forced exile. Their work led to the creation of several sister- and solidarity-committees in other parts of the world. (21-May-07)

May 21, 2007

Ludmilla Alexeeva in Oslo

Ludmilla Alexeeva who founded the first human rights organisation in Russia; the Helsinki Committee in Moscow in 1976, is visiting Norway between 21 and 25 May. The members of the Moscow Helsinki Group were the one to inform the West about the Soviet Union’s violations of the Helsinki declaration from1975. This led to pursuit, imprisonment and forced exile. Their work led to the creation of several sister- and solidarity-committees in other parts of the world. (21-May-07)

May 18, 2007

Seminar for journalists “Human Rights and the Media”

We are pleased to inform you that the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Warsaw-Poland) have started new educational project for journalists from Republic of Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Poland and North-West regions of the Russian Federation. The deadline for applications is June 1, 2007. (18-MAY-07)

May 14, 2007

Lustration – Polish style

On 11 May 2007, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal ruled the partial inconsistency of the new lustration law with the Constitution. According to the President of the Tribunal, Jerzy Stepien (right), the lustration law is feasible despite the necessity to introduce amendments. (14-MAY-07)