

June 29, 2010

Election in Poland: polling in disarray, but votes are counted

“In the Republic of Belarus everything is the other way around – during the E-day procedures are more-less followed, but in the evening, during the count, there is total lawlessness at polling stations,” some observers from the team of more than 30 participant of the international observation mission at the presidential election in the Republic of Poland shared. The joint Belarusian, Lithuanian, and Swedish mission was organised by the Election Observation: Theory and Practice project with support of Belarusian HRH in Vilnius.

June 29, 2010

Andreas Herkel speaks about release of imprisoned journalists

“I feel the existence of a certain lobby that is engaged in this issue,” said Andreas Herkel, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Special Co-rapporteur on Republic of Azerbaijan, according to Turan News Agency.

June 28, 2010

PACE adopts resolution regarding Azerbaijan

On 24 June, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted resolution “The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan?” that was prepared by Monitoring Committee Co-rapporteurs on Republic of Azerbaijan Andreas Herkel and Joseph Debono Grech.

June 27, 2010

Transsexual trapped in the bureaucratic maze

Gay parade in Vilnius went eventually as planned. That does not mean that life as a transgender in the Baltic States is a colorful celebration of the love and identity. There are still legal difficulties for the transsexual in the Baltic States to get new gender identities or to change their names.

June 27, 2010

Council of Europe adopted Resolution on the North Caucasus

Human rights organisation Article 19 welcomes the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s (PACE) adoption of a resolution and recommendation on legal remedies for human rights violations in the North Caucasus. Article 19 urges the Russian government to address the violations and to adopt comprehensive measures, specifically relating to the right to freedom of expression

June 26, 2010

Whistleblowers in Poland – need for regulation

27 May 2010 the District Court of Warsaw passed a verdict in the case regarding the problem of providing safety to the so-called whistleblowers. It upheld the sentence passed by the lower court and did not reinstated to work Piotr Sułek, ex-editor-in-chief of the weekly “Post Office”. The Court did indeed agree that the notice of leave was unjustified, but decided to grant Piotr Sułek compensation in the form of one pay in addition to the return of the costs of the proceeding.

June 25, 2010

Справа аб распаўсюдзе газеты “Наш дом” зноў у судзе

У Кастрычніцкім судзе Магілёва працягнецц разгляд адміністрацыйнай справы грамадскай актывісткі Хрысціны Шацікавай, якую вінавацяць у незаконным распаўсюдзе незарэгістраванай газеты “Наш дом”. Пад “распаўсюдам” жа беларускія ўлады маюць на ўвазе перавоз.

June 25, 2010

Kyrgyzstan: two killed, about twenty wounded in special operation in Osh Province

Observers from The Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Human Rights Center Memorial arrived on 21 June 2010 in Nariman village in the Kara-Suu region of Osh province immediately after the end of a special operation to search for weapons in the homes of local residents. Two local residents were killed and at least twenty injured during the operation.

June 25, 2010

OTP concludes second visit to Georgia in context of preliminary examination

A delegation from the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court conducted a three-day visit, 22-24 June, to Georgia a State Party to the Rome Statute that created the Court. The main purpose of the visit was to gather additional information from the Georgian authorities on the on-going national investigation into crimes allegedly committed in the context of the August 2008 armed conflict in South Ossetia, Georgia.