

July 30, 2010

No news is not good news regarding freedom of expression in Azerbaijan

Republic of Azerbaijan knows what to do with citizens who write in the paper or post on their blogs things that the regime doesn’t like. They charge them with fake accusations and imprison them. In July, a year has gone by since the bloggers Emin Mili and Adnan Hajizade were beaten up and detained in Baku. Right, protesters against their continued detention.

July 30, 2010

Human Rights Trends in Georgia

Georgian Human Rights Defenders filed an alternative report to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The report assesses the human rights situation in Georgia, especially regarding the freedom of expression and media, freedom of assembly and manifestation, freedom of judiciary, the excessive use of force and the prohibition of torture, the issue of politically motivated arrests, labour rights, etc.

July 29, 2010

Turkey: Publisher Ragip Zarakolu back on trial again, alongside Mehmet Güler

Ragip Zarakolu, publisher and free expression activist, is on trial again for publishing another book by author Mehmet Güler. Both Zarakolu and Güiler are accused under the Anti Terror Law for Güler’s The KCK File/The Global State and Kurds Without a State. Zarakolu was acquitted last month for publishing another book by Güler, More Difficult Decisions Than Death, for which the author received a 15 months sentence.

July 28, 2010

– Sanctions against Burma must be more effective

More trade with Burma will not help the people with the current regime, says democracy activist Khin Ohmar. – The only thing that can make the situation better in Burma is that the sanctions become more effective, says Ohmar to Ethical Trade Initiative Norway (ETI-Norway).

July 28, 2010

Political prisoner Aleh Surhan released

On July 27 in the morning Aleh Surhan, a political prisoner, was released from the colony in the town of Hlybokae. He was met by friends and supporters. Aleh Surhan came up to the car of the people who met him under guard, as policemen followed him for the event to be quick and without any noise, Radio Svaboda informs.

July 28, 2010

Палітвязень Алег Сурган на волі

Раніцай 27 ліпеня з калоніі горада Глыбокае быў вызвалены палітвязень Алег Сурган. Яго сустракалі сябры і паплечнікі. Ахоўнікі правялі Алега Сургана пад канвоем да самай машыны тых, хто сустракаў, каб працэс сустрэчы прайшоў хутка і без лішняга шуму, паведамляе “Радыё Свабода”.

July 27, 2010

Demanding a Place for Criticism and Dissent in Public Media

On July 6, 2010, a journalist for Program 3 of Polish Radio was reprimanded by his employer for authoring an article in Newsweek criticizing Polish Radio. Polish Radio subsequently refused to release documents explaining the basis for the reprimandbecause of “trade secrets.” In response, Helsinki Foundation has written an open letter denouncing Polish Radio’s employment policies.

July 27, 2010

Trivialisation of Strasbourg

The European Court’s of Human Rights judgements concerning violation of the right to a fair trial or the right to liberty of a person have not been so far the subject of profound deliberations of the authorities. As a result, judges who are the “authors” of these violations are kept in blissful ignorance of the fact that someone in the Court gave a negative opinion about their work.

July 27, 2010

India – widespread practice of untouchability

In the beginning of 2010 India marked the 60th anniversary of its constitution that sets the legal framework for protection of human rights and forbids discrimination. However, 60 years later, caste discrimination still prevails, particularly with regard to Dalits, the so called “untouchables”.