

August 3, 2010

South Ossetia: activist brutally assaulted

Timur Tskhovrebov, a civil rights activist in South Ossetia was attacked on July 24, 2010, allegedly by supporters of the de facto president of the breakaway region of Georgia, after he signed a joint appeal to negotiators in Geneva to prioritise the needs of the local population. Tskhovrebov was hospitalized with multiple injuries.

August 2, 2010

Chinese court rejects appeal from Tibetan environmentalist

A court in northwest the People´s Republic of China has rejected an appeal from a Tibetan environmentalist Karma Samdrup who was sentenced to 15 years in prison on charges of grave robbing and dealing in looted antiquities, his lawyer said on 2 August 2010.

August 2, 2010

Allow the Accused to Defend Themselves

According to the Law on National Remembrance, individuals found to have collaborated with Polish communist security services prior to 1990 are denied access to the documents evidencing such collaboration. The European Court of Human Rights recently communicated to Republic of Poland two cases regarding this law, raising the issue of whether the law denies individuals accused of wrongdoing a meaningful opportunity to contest or even see the basis for such charges.

August 2, 2010

Міліцыю напужаў “крамольны” надпіс на майцы апазіцыянера

У Гомлі затрыманы дэмакратычны актывіст Уладзімір Няпомняшчых. Міліцыянтам не спадабаўся надпіс на майцы апазіцыянера “За Беларусь без Лукашэнкі”.

August 1, 2010

В Чечне трагически погибла собкор «ДОШ» Малика Бетиева

В результате ДТП на трассе Грозный-Шатой собственный корреспондент журнала “ДОШ” по Северному Кавказу Малика Бетиева погибла вместе со своими двумя сыновьями 14-ти и 12 лет, мужем и сестрой мужа.

August 1, 2010

Turks march against government censorship of the Internet

Internet censorship is alive in the Republic of Turkey, with at least 5000 websites currently being blocked within the country. On 17 July 2010 about 2,000 protestors marched against Internet censorship in Istanbul in the Republic of Turkey chanting slogans against Transport and Communications Minister Binali Yıldırım, Internet censorship, and especially against Law No 5651.

August 1, 2010

New information on the case of the alleged existence of CIA prisons in Poland

The Border Guard Office in the Republic of Poland has provided new information regarding CIA planes which allegedly transported individuals suspected by United States of terrorist activity. These are data detailing the border clearance of the crew and passengers of the planes landing in the Republic of Poland at the Szymany airport in 2002 – 2005.

July 31, 2010

China convicts three Uyghur web managers on state security charges

Amnesty International has condemned the trial and conviction of three Uyghur website managers on state security charges. Dilshat Perhat, web manager and owner of the Diyarim website was sentenced to five years by an Urumqi court in a closed trial on 21 July; Nureli, web manager of Salkin was sentenced to three years; and Nijat Azat, web manager of Shabnam was sentenced to 10 years, according to Dilmurat Perhat, Dishat’s brother.

July 30, 2010

Living dangerously: Kenyan human rights defenders increasingly targeted

With the referendum on the constitution only a few days away, has assessed the security situation for Kenyan human rights defenders. The conclusion is grim: Recent months have seen an upturn in cases of harassment, threats, legal persecution and outright violence. There is reason to ask if Kenyan authorities want to tighten its grip on civil society and warn off human rights defenders in particular from being too vocal? Right, Stephen Musau, one of the human rights defenders considered too vocal.