

September 24, 2010

Шрэк за свабоду аб’яднанняў у Беларусі

Сітуацыя з грамадскімі ініцыятывамі і аб’яднаннямі на Беларусі пакуль застаецца нязменнай – любому, хто захоча далучыцца да якой-небудзь арагнізацыі, пагражае крымінальная адказнасць паводле артыкула 193.1. Вычэрпаўшы ўсе легальныя шляхі пратэсту, за справу ўзяліся казачныя героі.

September 23, 2010

HRHN decides on its plans and priorities for 2010 – 2012

On the second day of HRHN’s annual meeting, hosted at the Belarusian Human Rights House in exile in Vilnius, delegates from all of HRHN’s European regions made their priorities clear: -We want more cooperation and support during election campaigns and elections’ they said.

September 23, 2010

Штогадовая сустрэча Сеткі ДПЧ адкрываецца ў Вільні

Штогадовая сустрэча Сеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека ў сераду стартавала ў Вільні, Літве. У першы раз Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека ў выгнанні стаў базай серыі мерапрыемстваў, якія будуць працягвацца да суботы. Пасля двухдзённай міжнароднай канферэнцыі, дзе будзе разгледжана сітуацыя з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі і краінах Балтыі, плануецца таксама беларускі форум.

September 23, 2010

Fearless Mexican bishop receives the 2010 Rafto human rights award

José Raúl Vera López (65), the Catholic bishop of Saltillo, Northern Mexico, is awarded the Rafto Prize 2010 for his struggle for human rights and social justice. He is an uncompromising critic of power abuse and a fearless defender of migrants, indigenous peoples, and other groups at risk in Mexican society.

September 22, 2010

New photography and film document: Azerbaijan and Belarus remain unfree societies

A world premiere on a new documentary by renowned Norwegian film maker Erling Borgen and an exhibition of pictures by the independent Belarusian newspaper Nasha Niva’s photographer Julia Darashkevich topped the programme on the first day of HRHN’s annual meeting.

September 22, 2010

Kyrgyzstan: HR reporter gets life sentence, journalist remains detained

Kyrgyz human rights reporter Azimjon Askarov was convicted and sentenced to life in prison by a court in Jalal-Abad region, southern Kyrgyz Republic on 15 September 2010. Kyrgyzstan-based Uzbek journalist Ulugbek Abdusalamov was arrested on 14 June in the same Jalal-Abad region and has been held in detention since then.

September 22, 2010

China: son of Uyghur activist Rebiya Kadeer tortured in prison, call for action

Alim Abdiriyim, son of Uyghur activist Rebiya Kadeer, is being tortured and otherwise ill-treated in detention, according to his family. They believe his life is at risk. He has been in prison in Urumqi, in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of the People´s Republic of China since 2006 on tax evasion charges. Amnesty International Norway urges Chinese government to ensure that Alim Abdiriyim is not subjected to torture in prison and calls to write an appeal.

September 22, 2010

ACLU: Counsel Calls On Polish Prosecutor To Investigate Torture Of Detainee At CIA Black Site

In response to the intervention to the pending Polish investigation on behalf of al-Nashiri, the American Civil Liberties Union called on the Obama administration to broaden its own investigation into the Bush-era torture program to include top-level U.S. government officials who may have known about and authorized such abuse.

September 22, 2010

Al-Nashiri, former prisoner of CIA facility in Poland intervene in Polish investigation

On 21 September 2010 lawyers intervened on behalf of Guantanamo prisoner Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri in a pending Polish investigation on CIA black sites, demanding the investigation and prosecution of persons responsible for his illegal transfer, detention, and torture on Polish soil.