

November 4, 2010

Ukrainian Parliament urged to adopt law on access to public information

Article 19 and International Media Support (IMS) urge the Ukrainian Parliament to demonstrate their commitment to transparency and public accountability by adopting a new Access to Public Information Law. The law had been scheduled for consideration on 2 November, but was unexpectedly removed.

November 3, 2010

Abuses in using surveillance methods against journalists – the need of legislative changes in Poland

Over the last few years the question of the abuse of the surveillance methods against journalists in the Republic of Poland returns on a regular basis. In reference to the information revealed recently that special services regularly carried out surveillance of top Polish journalists in order to reveal their sources of information, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights issued two letters to Prime Minister expressing its concern in this respect.

November 3, 2010

Norwegian NGOs showed solidarity with Russian pro-democracy movement

Eight Norwegian nongovernmental human rights organisations, including Amnesty International Norway, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Human Rights House Foundation, showed their support to a pro-democracy civil Russian movement “Strategy 31“ by organising a demonstration in Oslo.

November 2, 2010

-Room for improvement regarding torture, admits Ethiopia

For its review before the United Nations Committee Against Torture, Ethiopia’s State report only admits to limited problems with regards to torture. The report, however, does not reflect the grave human rights violations that continue to be reported, also on torture, in the country.

November 2, 2010

15 год БХК: “жывем, і спадзяемся выжыць далей”

Учора споўнілася 15 гадоў з дня заснавання Беларускага Хельсінкскага Камітэта — адзінай афіцыйна зарэгістраванай у краіне праваабарончай арганізацыі рэспубліканскага ўзроўню. Хоць у краіне і застаюцца сур’ёзныя парушэнні ў сферы правоў чалавека, але шмат чаго арганізацыі дасягнуць удалося. Аб гэтым красамоўна кажуць некаторыя факты.

November 1, 2010

UN Human Rights Committee adopted Concluding Observations on Poland

On 29 September 2010 UN Human Rights Committee published Concluding Observations on Republic of Poland. They were adopted as a result of the consideration of the Committee of the sixth periodic report of Republic of Poland (CCPR/C/POL/6) at its meetings with Polish delegation held on 12 and 13 October 2010.

November 1, 2010

Statement on visits of EU politicians to Minsk

Belarusian HRH has signed a joint statement, calling upon the Ministers of Foreign Affairs from Republic of Poland and Germany to support values of democracy and human rights during their joint visit to Minsk. The statement was approved by Belarusian HR defenders and supported by various European organisations.

November 1, 2010

Заява перад візітам у Мінск міністраў Польшчы і Нямеччыны

Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека далучыўся да заявы, у якой заклікаў Радослава Сікорскага і Гіда Вэстэрвэле падчас візіту ў Беларусь падтрымаць каштоўнасці дэмакратыі і правоў чалавека. Заяву напярэдадні прыезду двух міністраў замежных спраў у Мінск падтрымалі арганізацыі розных еўрапейскіх краін.

November 1, 2010

Take action to free Iranian blogger

Today marks two years since the arrest of Canadian-Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan in his parents’ home in Tehran. Index on Censorship, Article 19 and other organisations join in condemnation of Iran’s treatment of Derakhshan, sentenced to 19 and a half years for his writing and calls to sign the petition to free him.