

December 30, 2010

Час чумы

Як і чатыры гады таму, грамадска-палітычная рэчаіснасці Беларусі зноў апынулася адфарматаванай згодна двум каардынатам “да” і “пасля” – дня прэзідэнцкіх выбараў, Плошчы. Калі да 19 снежня неверагоднасцю здавалася раптоўная “лібералізацыя”, то пасля – брутальнасць дзеянняў улады.

December 30, 2010

Ад назірання за выбарамі – да абароны рэпрэсаваных

“У Беларусі адбылася фактычная ўзурпацыя ўлады”, – рэзюмавала Таццяна Чуліцкая на прэс-канферэнцыі/брыфінгу, прысвечанай вынікам назірання за выбарамі. Сустрэча адбылася 21 снежня ў Беларускім Доме Правоў чалавека ў межах праекту “Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка”.

December 30, 2010

Oslo House: main highlights of 2010

NGOs based in Oslo were very active in 2010 in promoting and defending human rights in CIS region, especially in Central Asia. The organizations organized forums, meetings, demonstrations, discussions, issued various reports, and initiated and joined petitions. Members of the Human Rights House tried to implement their goals on both national and internation levels and through dealing with foreign authorities. Find a summary of our partner NGOs’ activities in 2010 below.

December 29, 2010

Bergen House in 2010: moments gone by in defense of human rights

2010 Rafto Prize for Mexican bishop José Raúl Vera López, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 65th birthday ceremony, organized by Bergen NGOs, arrangement of a solidarity demonstration “Strategy 31“ and actions in support of Chinese prisoners of conscience were the main activities of the Human Rights House in Bergen. This is a summary of the main NGOs’ of the Bergen HRH’s activities in 2010.

December 28, 2010

Polish Radio: US refuses cooperation with Poland’s CIA ‘black site’ probe

The U.S. Department of Justice has rejected a request from prosecutors in Warsaw for assistance in the investigation into the alleged CIA prisons in the Republic of Poland, where captives claim they were tortured.

December 27, 2010

Kenya: towards justice for victims of the 2007-2008 post-election violence

Article 19 welcomes the request for summonses made by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a significant step towards justice for victims of the 2007-2008 post-election violence in the Republic of Kenya. Public opinion’s surveys indicate that the ICC process enjoys overwhelming public support locally.

December 27, 2010

Центр кавказской инициативы стал членом РИЦПЧ

По решению Правления Центра в его состав была включена еще одна организация.

December 27, 2010

End of “liberalization” in Belarus

„The Belarusian election was severely flawed due to arbitrary use of state power and restrictions on basic rights“, – stated OSCE. Even more saddening was the authorities’ tactics to address opposition’s protests after the closure of polling stations on 19 December evening: hundreds of people were arrested not only on Independence Square in Minsk, but also at their homes and offices, making many recall the notorious year 1937 in the USSR.

December 26, 2010

NGOs call on immediate release of the journalists and human rights defenders in Belarus

Numerous human rights organizations, including the Human Rights House Foundation, addressed Belarusian President Lukashenka with a letter, condemning the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters, detentions and battery of journalists, human rights defenders and opposition candidates during the 19 December post-election rally in Minsk.