

October 23, 2011

UN: online expression must remain free of censorship

The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression launched on 21 October a key report on internet free speech rights. Frank La Rue made clear that online expression must remain free of censorship and called on all States to ensure universal access to the internet. Article 19 hails the report as a milestone in the development of policy on freedom of expression as it relates to internet and urges all governments to fully implement its recommendations.

October 21, 2011

Circuit Court disallowed extardition to Belarus

The Circuit Court in Warsaw has ruled on inadmissibility of surrendering the wanted U.B., a Belarus citizen, to the judicial authorities in Belarus. In the statement of reasons for the ruling the Court argued that the act allegedly committed by U.B. was not a criminal offence in Poland. The Court also noted that, if the wanted person was surrendered to the Republic of Belarus, his rights, including the right to a fair trial, might be directly infringed.

October 20, 2011

European Day against Death Penalty

More than 200 people have signed the protest against death penalty in Belarus. 170 persons signed the petition in defence of Fatima Hussein Al-Badi, said yesterday late evening Agnieszka Śmiłek of ELSA Rzeszów, an organiser of the European Day against Death Penalty. Rzeszów was one of the several cities and towns where the events commemorating the European Day against Death Penalty were held.

October 20, 2011

Belarus has adopted “anti-revolutionary” amendments to the legislation

On October 12 it was reported that the government introduced, the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic approved a package of amendments to laws on public associations, political parties and to the Penal Code. Some amendments to the law on state security service were introduced as well.

October 19, 2011

Human rights in Norway to face scrutiny by UN treaty body

The human rights record of Norway will on Monday, 24 October, face the scrutiny of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in a meeting that will be webcast live on the Internet.

October 19, 2011

Call for debt cancellation in Pakistan

Norwegian SLUG handed over 3000 signatures demanding a moratorium on Pakistan’s debt after the unprecedented floods. Norway brought this message to the Paris Club creditors, but unforunately the international community did not want to consider this option.

October 18, 2011

У Беларусі прымаюцца “антырэвалюцыйныя” папраўкі ў заканадаўства

12 кастрычніка стала вядома пра тое, што урад унёс, Палата прадстаўнікоў прыняла, а Савет Рэспублікі зацвердзіў пакет паправак у законы пра грамадскія аб’яднанні, партыі і ў Крымінальны кодэкс. Прапанаваныя і папраўкі ў закон пра органы дзяржбяспекі.

October 18, 2011

Burma: Zargana freed from prison

Authorities arrested the dissident in 2008 after he helped organize deliveries of aid to Cyclone Nargis survivors and then gave interviews to foreign media in which he criticized the government’s response to the deadly disaster. The regime sentenced Zargana to 59 years in prison. His sentence was then reduced to 35 years. On October 12, 2011, Zargana was released from Myitkyina Prison in Kachin State, northern Myanmar, as part of a widespread general amnesty

October 14, 2011

Foreigners interviewed during administrative proceedings

The HFHR published a report concerning foreigners interviewed during administrative proceedings. The findings of the Foundation’s report point out a range of problems appearing during questioning of foreign nationals, most common of which are the lack of interpreter services, failure to notify the questioned of their rights and duties and infringement of their right to privacy.