

February 10, 2012

Court’s approval of marriage between diasbled persons

Katarzyna Barszczewska, a woman suffering from cerebral palsy, and her partner came last year to a local Register Office to arrange for their marriage ceremony. The registrar refused to solemnize the couple’s marriage and referred the case to the court. In January 2012 the court consented to the marriage between Katarzyna Barszczewska and her partner.

February 10, 2012

The Report “Delegation of Judges to the Ministry of Justice. Constitutional and Practical Issues”

Delegated judges, whose number has been increasing year by year, are becoming more and more important part of the Ministry of Justice staff. Their number has gone up five times in last five years. However, there are no detailed recruitment and selection procedures for vacant civil service posts within the Ministry, says the report of the HFHR.

February 9, 2012

Iranian journalist received PEN international award

Iranian journalist, blogger and activist Asieh Amini has received the Oxfam Novib / Pen Award on January 19 from the hands of human rights ambassador Lionel Veer. The presentation took place at the ‘Theatre at the Spui’ in The Hague, during the Writers Unlimited Winter Nights Festival. This award is presented every year to writers and journalists who are persecuted or have had to flee because of their critical writing

February 8, 2012

Kazakhstan: Independent investigation must be carried out

The root causes of the unrest in Zhanaozen are not isolated to this particular region, similar social challenges can be found all over Kazakhstan, Essenbek Ukteshbayev and Ainur Kurmanov, two independent trade union activists from Kazakhstan said during a seminar hosted by NHC in Oslo on 2 February.

February 7, 2012

Pressure and threats to life and health – the news of political prisoners

The complaint concerning the case of Andrei Sannikau will be lodged to the UN Committee on Human Rights. Zmitsier Bandarenka was allowed to use his crutch only after writing a petition for clemency. Mikalai Statkevich was found inclined to escape and had to destroy about 700 letters in the prison .

February 6, 2012

Ціск і пагрозы для жыцця і здароўя – навіны пра беларускіх палітвязняў

Скарга па справе Андрэя Саннікава будзе накіраваная ў камітэт правоў чалавека ААН. Зміцеру Бандарэнку дазволілі карыстацца мыліцай толькі пасля напісання прашэння аб памілаванні. Мікалай Статкевіч быў прызнаны схільным да ўцёкаў і мусіў знішчыць у турме каля 700 лістоў.

February 5, 2012

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: worrying trends in 2012

Kazakhstan entered into a new year by silencing voices of criticism. The authorities search and arrest opposition activists and tighten up free speech in the internet. Uzbekistan follows the same path: editor Muhammad Bekjanov, held since 1999, has been served with an additional five year sentence.

February 4, 2012

Georgia: visit by UN expert on freedoms of assembly and association

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, will undertake a visit to Georgia from 6 to 13 February 2012.

February 3, 2012

Blogger has won the case. He is not liable for Internet users’ comments

In January 2012, the Court of Appeal in Cracow changed the decision of the first-instance court and dismissed the lawsuit for the protection of personal interests brought against Andrzej Jezior in an attempt to hold him liable for comments posted by internet users on his blog.