

May 5, 2012

Editorial office searched on the eve of World Press Freedom Day

On 2 May, on the eve of World Press Freedom Day, which is celebrated on 3 May, the office of Belarusian independent radio station “Racyja” in Minsk was searched. The police seized the office equipment.

May 4, 2012

Prosecution Service issued a statement on the alleged CIA prisons

According to the statement of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office in Cracow received by the HFHR, in the course of the investigation involving the offence under article 231(1) of the Criminal Code (abuse of power) the prosecutors interviewed 62 persons and collected 20 volumes of evidence.

May 4, 2012

Use of death penalty continues in Belarus despite international pressure

Capital punishment in the Republic of Belarus continues to violate international human rights standards and mechanisms, and denies basic human dignities

May 4, 2012

Civil society in a time of social and political change

CIVICUS’ report ‘The State of Civil Society, 2011’ reflects on the tumultuous events of 2011, the changes they will bring for the role of civil society, and the great potential and challenges for civil society at this time.

May 4, 2012

Ператрус у рэдакцыі – падарунак на дзень свабоды прэсы

Увечары 2 мая, напярэдадні Сусветнага дня свабоды прэсы, які адзначаецца 3 мая, у офісе радыёстанцыі «Рацыя» прайшоў вобшук. У журналістаў канфіскавалі аргтэхніку.

May 2, 2012

Rzeszów court: Musa Dogan will not be extardited to Turkey

The Circuit Court in Rzeszów ruled that the Musa Dogan’s extradition to Turkey would be inadmissible, citing the risk of torture as one of the grounds for the decision.Musa Dogan is a Turkish Kurd. In 1996 he was sentenced to harsh life imprisonment by the State Security Court in Izmir.

May 2, 2012

Azerbaijan’s worrying human rights record analysed at Council of Europe

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe published a note on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan. The situation of journalists remains worrying. Rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly remain problematic and are restricted by legislative measures.

May 2, 2012

Partly free press in Georgia

On May 1, authoritative international organization Freedom House released its 2012 annual report which evaluates the freedom of media worldwide based on the data collected throughout 2011. According to the report, Georgia registered progress and moved from 55 to 52 points. However, Georgia still occupies place among partly-free countries out of 197 states and territories and is still very close to 61 point limit which starts list of not-free states.

May 1, 2012

Chernobyl: public attention and long-term challenges

The anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe receives very little attention in today’s Belarus. The Belarusian organization “For Children of Chernobyl” emphasises the importance of remembering about what happened on 26 April 1986.