

August 28, 2012

Belarusian CEC not happy about OSCE observers

On 22 August OSCE/ODIHR observation mission, which will work in Belarus during the parliamentary election campaign, was opened in Minsk. Observers have promised that their work will be transparent and open, but the representatives of the Belarusian CEC are already being pessimistic and critical of the observers.

August 27, 2012

Statement on drones

The HFHR called the Minister of National Defence for explanations regarding the Poland’s military plans to purchase unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs, also known as “drones”) to be used by an independent combat unit. In May this year, Gazeta Wyborcza reported that the MND plans to acquire 41 sets of unmanned aircrafts and two sets of armed drones with similar combat capabilities to those of US Predator UCAVs used in military operations performed in locations such as Pakistan.

August 26, 2012

Kazakhstan: law on access to information welcomed, civil code restrictions on free speech too severe

Article 19 has recently provided the reviews of the access to information legislation and the civil law regime concerning defamation in Kazakhstan. The organisation’s overall assessment of the Draft Law on Access to Information is positive, though several problems have been identified. The legislation regarding defamation, however, despite some positive elements, fails to provide safeguards for free expression, organisation states.

August 25, 2012

Беларускі ЦВК зусім не рады назіральнікам АБСЕ

22 жніўня ў Мінску была афіцыйна прэзентаваная назіральніцкая місія БДIПЧ АБСЕ, якая будзе працаваць у Беларусі падчас парламенцкай кампаніі. Назіральнікі паабяцалі, што іхняя праца будзе празрыстай і адкрытай, аднак прадстаўнікі ЦВК настроены песімістычна і ўжо пачалі крытыкаваць назіральнікаў.

August 23, 2012

Tense pre-election environment in Georgia

Lately, the government of Georgia and the ruling party – United National Movement [UNM] became targets of strict criticism from two international institutions simultaneously. Co-rapporteurs from Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and OSCE PA Pre-Election Mission laid out particular concerns about current situation in Georgia and demanded the government to create equal conditions for all political parties during pre-election campaign.

August 22, 2012

CEDAW: Indigenous rural women discriminated against in Mexico

With the release of its concluding observations addressed to Mexico, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) expresses concern about harmful cultural practices and violence directed at indigenous rural women, as well as their lack of access to land, property and justice, and asks for better implementation of women’s rights in the country.

August 22, 2012

Ecuador in negotiations with Britain over Assange

Ecuador’s president has invited UK government to talks over the fate of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on the condition that Britain guarantee it will not enter the diplomatic mission in London where Assange has sought shelter. Computer hacker Assange, whom Swedish prosecutors want to question over accusations of rape and sexual assault, jumped bail and fled to the Ecuadorian embassy nine weeks ago.

August 22, 2012

KGB reproaches HR defenders for unreliable information, but itself provides false data

Belarusian KGB not only follows the election campaign, but also tracks news on human rights websites. The president of the Belarusian Human Rights House Tatsiana Ravyaka was questioned in regard to one of the articles on website.

August 21, 2012

Standards of drafting statements of reasons in judicial decisions

The National Council of Judiciary responded to another letter of the HFHR concerning the issue of judges copying passages from justifications written in other cases. The NCJ upheld its previous position on the matter. In addition, it condemned the practice of repeating lexical, stylistic and punctuation errors in the copied passages of statements of reasons.