

September 4, 2012

HFHR statements regarding imposing taxes on damages awarded for excessively lengthy proceedings

The HFHR sent a letter to the Ministers of Justice and Finance and the Prosecutor General, in which it raised the issue of taxes being imposed on the sums awarded as damages under the Excessively Lengthy Proceedings Complaint Act.

September 4, 2012

KGB attacks social networks in the run-up to elections

The first week of the election campaign in Belarus was marked by a coordinated attack on pro-opposition groups in social networks by the KGB.

September 3, 2012

HFHR’s appeals on the matter of legalising the stay of minors in Poland

The HFHR has issued yet another appeal to the Ministry of Interior urging the same to consider adding to the draft Foreigners Act a provision that would enable parents legally living in Poland to legalise the stay of their children. The direct reason for this new intervention is the case of a three-year old Vietnamese girl who could not have had her stay legalised because she was not born in Poland, despite the fact that her parents lived in Poland legally.

September 2, 2012

Journalist jailed in Azerbaijan

Freelance journalist Faramaz Novruzoglu has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison in reprisal for his coverage of alleged government corruption.

September 2, 2012

Перад выбарамі КДБ зацікавіўся сацыяльнымі сеткамі

Першы тыдзень перадвыбарчай агітацыі быў адзначаны скаардынаванай атакай органаў правапарадку на апазіцыйныя суполкі ў сацыяльных сетках. 30 жніўня быў знішчаны кантэнт некаторых з іх, затрыманыя іх адміністратары.

August 30, 2012

Georgias sexual violence problem

Eka became victim of sexual violence at the age of nine. She is among a huge number of Georgian womens that are sexually abused – and ignored.

August 29, 2012

Uganda: Profits over people

In August 2001, the Ugandan army forcefully evicted more than 2000 people from their land in the Mubende district to make way for a vast coffee plantation operated by Kaweri Coffee Plantation Ltd., a subsidiary of the Hamburg-based Neumann Kaffee Gruppe. To this day, the evictees continue to suffer from the loss of their land.

August 29, 2012

Court finds Israel to bear no responsibility for Rachel Corrie’s death

Israeli court has ruled in a civil case that the Israel army was not at fault in the bulldozer death of American pro-Palestinian activist Rachel Corrie nearly 10 years ago. Corrie was 23 years old when she went to the town of Rafah in the Gaza Strip as part of a group of activists of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

August 28, 2012

Draft amendment to the Prosecution Service Act – opinion of the HFHR

Works on the amendment to the Prosecution Service Act are underway. The changes proposed in the draft amendment include the dissolution of the separate military prosecution service and the establishment of a Government’s power to approve annual “fundamental considerations of criminal policy”. According to the HFHR, works on the bill should be abandoned.