

September 19, 2012

Picket brutally dispersed in Minsk on the first day of early voting (updated)

On 18 September activists who organised a pre-election picket in Minsk, along with the journalists who covered it, were violently detained.

September 18, 2012

Intervention in the case of a rally held by the Pro Foundation – Right to Life

Following the arrest of Mariusz Dzierżawski, a board member of the Pro Foundation – Right to Life, the HFHR sent a letter to the President of the District Court in Słubice, questioning the legal basis for and legitimacy of Mr Dzierżawski’s arrest.

September 18, 2012

The case concerning protection of the rights of same-sex couples at the ECtHR

Polish law does not provide any possibility for same-sex couples to enter into a civil partnership. Neither does it guarantee equal access to social benefits and tax credits related to the protection of family life. For this reason, two Polish women who for the last 8 years have been in a stable same-sex relationship, complained against Poland to the ECtHR.

September 18, 2012

У першы дзень датэрміновага галасавання ў Мінску жорстка разагнаны пікет (абноўлена)

18 верасня ў Мінску падчас правядзення перадвыбарчага пікета былі жорстка затрыманыя актывісты, якія гэты пікет зладзілі, і журналісты, якія сабраліся яго асвятляць.

September 16, 2012

Election Observation: Theory and Practice project: “Observe to have no doubts!”

The “Election Observation: Theory and Practice” project, which is jointly implemented by Belarus Watch, European Humanities University and the Belarusian Human Rights House, invites you to take part in observation of the parliamentary elections which will be held on 23 September 2012 in Belarus.

September 15, 2012

Turkey: 36 journalists will stay in prison for two more months

36 journalists and media workers with pro-Kurdish media have been held behind bars since 20 December 2011 in Turkey. The first series of court hearings in Istanbul ended on 12 September. The journalists will remain behind bars for at least two more months. They are accused of propaganda of terrorism, which is an umbrella term in Turkey providing authorities with an opportunity to prosecute journalists, publishers, academics, activists, and demonstrators.

September 13, 2012

Polish Government presented its position in the case al-Nashiri vs. Poland

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Polish Government presented to the European Court of Human Rights its position in the case al-Nashiri vs. Poland. The Government of the Republic of Poland – pursuant to Rule 33(1) of the Rules of Court – filed a motion to limit public access to all case files on the grounds that their public disclosure could harm the interest of the pending pre-trial proceedings in Poland. The decision as to the method and scope of making the positions of the parties known to the general public will now be taken by the Court.

September 13, 2012

SAC: in Poland, secret services cannot be left unsupervised

This is the key point of the judgment pronounced by the Supreme Administrative Court in a landmark case concerning a denial of access to public information on the use of GPS devices in police surveillance. The SAC accepted all the submissions raised by the HFHR in the cassation complaint and referred the case to the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw for reconsideration.

September 13, 2012

Праект «Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка»: «Назірай, каб не сумнявацца!»

Праект «Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка», што рэалізуецца ў партнёрстве арганізацыяй «BelarusWatch», Еўрапейскім гуманітарным універсітэтам і Беларускім домам правоў чалавека, запрашае ўсіх жадаючых прыняць удзел у назіранні за парламенцкімі выбарамі ў Беларусі, якія адбудуцца 23 верасня 2012 г.