

October 25, 2012

HFHR addresses Ministry of Interior in the case of foreigners without travel documents

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights sent a letter to the Minister of Interior calling for explanations regarding the situation of foreigners without a valid travel document issued by their home country. The absence of such a document substantially hinders the process of obtaining a fixed-term residence permit from the Polish authorities.

October 25, 2012

Norway: FARC and Columbian government return to negotiation table

The Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel group are holding preliminary peace talks in Norway that are expected to set the stage for formal talks in Cuba next month. However, there are already signs of some disagreement, with the government saying it will not stop military operations against the rebels during the talks and FARC saying it is willing to discuss the issue any time.

October 25, 2012

FIAN: Global framework for food security and nutrition an important achievement

FIAN International welcomes the adoption of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) as an important achievement for the human rights-based approach to food security policy. Adopted during the 39th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) on 17 October 2012, the GSF, as the overarching framework, will be the primary global reference for coordination and coherence in decision making on food and agricultural issues.

October 24, 2012

Журналіст Андрэй Пачобут: «Буду пісаць далей, пакуль не пасадзяць»

Следчыя органы Беларусі прынялі рашэнне працягнуць расследаванне па справе журналіста, якога абвінавачваюць у паклёпе на прэзідэнта, да 21 лістапада. 21 кастрычніка тэрмін расследавання крымінальнай справы журналіста скончыўся. За час следства ніякіх следчых дзеянняў з ім не праводзілася, яго нікуды не выклікалі.

October 21, 2012

ARTICLE 19 encourages not to change ITRs and leave internet free

In December 2012 the World Conference on International Communications will be taking place in Dubai with a view to reconsider the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs) for the first time since 1988 under the aegis of the International Telecommunications Union. One of the key questions that will be examined at the Conference is whether or not the Internet should fall within the scope of the ITRs.

October 21, 2012

EU renews sanctions against Belarus

On 15 October the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU renewed the sanctions against Belarus till 31 October 2013.

October 18, 2012

Opinion on the use of physical force

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and Amnesty International Poland issued an opinion to the Ministry of Interior on the draft premises of the new act on the use of physical force by law enforcement authorities. This is the third opinion given by the HFHR and AI on this law. Last week the bill was discussed at a consensus conference held by the Ministry of Interior.

October 18, 2012

Advocates from 5 countries discussed ways to protect rights to freedom of expression and association

On 29-30 September a regional HRHN conference “Freedom of Speech and Association: From Theory to Practice” was held in Moscow, Russian Federation. The conference was attended by lawyers, human rights defenders, journalists and experts from five countries – Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.

October 18, 2012

Mozambique: human rights violated by Swedish investors

On 16 October, World Food Day, FIAN International asks the public to take a stand for the rights of Mozambican peasants experiencing right to food violations at the hands of European investors.