

November 30, 2012

Programme of the 12th International Film FEstival WATCH DOCS. Human rights in film

On 7 December 2012, the 12th edition of the International Film Festival WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film will be launched. The Festival’s Programme includes nearly 90 films divided into five permanent sections, three retrospectives and a competition.

November 29, 2012

ECtHR: Poland loses the first case on access to INR’s files

The European Court of Human Rights delivered the judgment in the case of Joanna Szulc v. Poland. The ECtHR found that the right to respect for private life set out in Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights had been violated by denying the applicant access to all the security service documents concerning her deposited with the Institute of National Remembrance. This is the first case on access to INR files lost by Poland in the ECtHR.

November 28, 2012

Белорусские правозащитники и юристы встретились с украинским омбудсменом Валерией Лутковской

29 октября в Киеве в Секретариате Уполномоченного Верховной Рады Украины по правам человека состоялась встреча белорусских юристов и правозащитников, участников программы «Международное право для защиты общественных интересов» с омбудсменом Валерией Лутковской (на фото).

November 25, 2012

Congo: International community fears refugee crisis

Joseph Kabila meets with M23 rebel group in Uganda, after regional summit called on them to end their offensive.

November 25, 2012

Kazakhstan moves to shut down independent media

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is deeply concerned at recent request by the Prosecutor General’s office in Kazakhstan that the court ban what in effect are all news outlets critical of the current government.

November 25, 2012

To fight impunity, silence must be broken and accountability demanded

The International Day to End Impunity, launched on 23 November 2011, marks the anniversary of the 2009 Ampatuan massacre in the Philippines, when 32 journalists and media workers were murdered. To this day, not a single suspect has been convicted. More than 630 other journalists have been targeted and murdered worldwide in direct retaliation for their reporting since 1992.

November 23, 2012

Constitutional Tribunal: the hunting law provisions on disciplinary proceedings unconstitutional

The Constitutional Tribunal held that certain provisions of the hunting law governing disciplinary proceedings are contrary to the Constitution. The Tribunal examined the regulations that prevent a member of the Polish Hunting Association from seeking judicial review of a disciplinary board’s decision other than the termination of the membership.

November 23, 2012

With its office confiscated, “Viasna” continues working

The office of the Belarusian Human Rights Center “Viasna” is scheduled to be confiscated on 26 November. Members of the organization are determined to continue their work in any circumstances.

November 22, 2012

ECtHR awarded compensation to a teenage girl denied access to lawful abortion

European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg published a judgement in the case of P. and S. v. Poland (application no. 57375/08). The case concerned a girl who became pregnant at the age of 14, hence as a result of a criminal act, and who was denied the right to lawful abortion.