

February 11, 2013

Маці расстралянага Любоў Кавалёва прызнаная чалавекам года ў родным горадзе

Любоў Кавалёва, маці пакаранага смерцю па справе аб выбуху ў мінскім метро Уладзіслава Кавалёва,прызнаная “Чалавекам года Віцебска -2012”. Віцебск – беларускі горад, у якім выраслі расстраляныя па абвінавачанні ў арганізацыі тэракту Уладзіслаў Кавалёў і Дзмітры Канавалаў.

February 7, 2013

Case of al-Nashiri v. Poland declassified

The ECtHR decided to lift the secrecy in the proceedings pending in the case of al-Nashiri v. Poland. The case was communicated to the Polish Government in July 2012. The applicant claims that in years 2002-2003 he was tortured in a secret CIA prison in Poland.

February 5, 2013

Member of the European Parliament Marek Migalski wants to meet Belarusian political prisoners

Member of the European Parliament Marek Migalski (right), who initiated the campaign of solidarity with two political prisoners – the leader of the “Young Front” Zmitser Dashkevich and former presidential candidate in the 2010 elections Mikalai Statkevich,- appealed to the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a request to meet with them in prison.

February 5, 2013

Member of the European Parliament Marek Migalski wants to meet Belarusian political prisoners

Member of the European Parliament Marek Migalski (right), who initiated the campaign of solidarity with two political prisoners – the leader of the “Young Front” Zmitser Dashkevich and former presidential candidate in the 2010 elections Mikalai Statkevich,- appealed to the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a request to meet with them in prison.

February 5, 2013

Azerbaijan continues to trend away from human rights

Hundreds of people peacefully protested in the streets of Baku on Saturday 26 January 2013 and 47 were arrested, including prominent human rights defenders and journalists.

February 4, 2013

Publications on health care in prisons

Over the last two years, the HFHR has carried out the programme “Health Care in Polish Prisons – The Pursuit of Compliance with Human Rights Standards”. “After two years of our programme we are well aware of numerous systemic problems in the area of prison health care”, says Maria Ejchart, project coordinator. “

February 4, 2013

Еўрадэпутат Марэк Мігальскі хоча сустрэцца з беларускімі палітвязнямі

Еўрадэпутат Марэк Мігальскі (на фота), які з’явіўся ініцыятарам кампаніі салідарнасці з двума палітычнымі вязнямі – лідэрам «Маладога фронту» Змітром Дашкевічам і экс-кандыдатам у прэзідэнты на выбарах 2010 г. Мікалаем Статкевічам – звярнуўся да Міністэрства замежных спраў з просьбай сустрэцца з імі ў месцах зняволення.

February 1, 2013

Judgment in case on access to toilet facilities appealed

In 2011 Józef Głuchowski sued two bank establishments in Warsaw alleging that his personal interests had been infringed upon as the banks had denied him access to toilet facilities.In October 2009 Mr Głuchowski visited two banks located at Plac Bankowy, a busy business area in Warsaw city centre. He had to use the toilet there. For that purpose he went to the room which, according to his knowledge, was a designated toilet facility. Yet the door was locked and the room marked as ‘utility area’.

February 1, 2013

European Court passes three more guilty verdicts against Georgia

European Court of Human Rights passed guilty verdicts on Georgian state in three cases. They are: “Jashi vs Georgia,” “Jeladze vs Georgia” and “Baisuev and Anzorov vs Georgia.” In the first two cases the ECHR concluded violation of the Article III of the European Convention on Human Rights (torture, inhuman and degrading treatment) and violation of the Article V Part 2 of the Convention (right to liberty and security). All three cases were sent to the European Court of Human Rights by Human Rights House Tbilisi member local nongovernmental organization Article 42 of the Constitution.