

July 17, 2013

Russian graduate of ILIA project: “We can actually change the judicial practice in Russia!”

Yegor Mylnikov (right), a lawyer, the graduate of ILIA project, upheld the right to freedom of speech on the Internet and defended Boris Shumilkin, who opposed the construction of the woodworking plant next to his village, in the court. However, Boris Shumilkin himself, who had been stating about the illness of the locals and environmental problems attributed to the construction of the plant, did not get the court’s decision. It was made on the day of his funeral.

July 17, 2013

Российский выпускник проекта ILIA: “Мы можем реально изменять судебную практику в России!”

Выпускник проекта ILIA, адвокат Егор Мыльников (на фото) отстоял право на свободу слова в Интернете и защитил в суде Бориса Шумилкина, выступавшего против строительства рядом с его деревней деревообрабатывающего предприятия. Однако сам Борис Шумилкин, заявлявший о болезнях жителей и экологических проблемах, связанных со строительством предприятия, решения суда не дождался. Оно было принято в день его похорон.

July 12, 2013

Release of all political prisoners is the condition sine qua non for unlocking EU-Belarus relations

The European Parliament has adopted its Recommendation on the EU’s policy towards Belarus reiterating the need for the unconditional release of all political prisoners as a prerequisite for a gradual lifting of EU sanctions and for an upgrade of relations between the European Union and Belarus.

July 12, 2013

Вызваленне палітвязняў – абавязковая ўмова для ўзнаўлення ўзаемаадносін ЕЗ з Беларуссю

Еўрапарламент прыняў рэкамендацыю аб палітыцы Еўразвяза ў дачыненні да Беларусі, зноў заяўляючы аб неабходнасці безумоўнага вызвалення ўсіх палітычных зняволеных у якасці перадумовы для паступовай адмены ЕЗ санкцый і аднаўлення адносін паміж ЕЗ і Беларуссю.

July 11, 2013

Judicial review of covert investigative methods analysed

The Constitutional Tribunal is currently reviewing the powers of the Police and other specialised law enforcement agencies to use various types of investigative methods such as wiretapping or obtaining telecommunication data. The proceedings were instituted upon the motions filed by the Human Rights Defender and the Prosecutor General. For the purposes of the present case the HFHR has analysed the judicial review of requests for applying such methods.

July 11, 2013

Opinion on draft law on proceedings against mentally disturbed persons

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has presented an opinion on the draft law on proceedings against mentally disturbed persons who pose a threat to life, health or sexual liberty of others. The Ministry of Justice’s bill is to authorise detention of violent offenders who already completed their prison term but are considered a threat to life and sexual liberty of other people.

July 11, 2013

Bosnians remember their victims

18 years after their death in the Srebenica massacre, 409 newly identified victims were laid. Also on 11 July 2013, Radovan Karadžić’s acquittal for genocide in municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina was reversed.

July 10, 2013

Controversy over benefits paid by Social Insurance Institution

Letters received by the HFHR indicate that SII expert physicians and court experts issue contradictory decisions regarding the health condition of persons applying for accident benefits. This type of payments is awarded for work-related injury or occupational disease.

July 5, 2013

The leader of “Union of Young Intellectuals” sentenced to prison

The Belarusian civic activist Andrei Haidukou was newly convicted of “attempt to establish cooperation with the special service, security service or intelligence service of a foreign state” and sentenced to 1.5 years in prison.