International NGOs urge Azerbaijan to stop continued harassment of investigative journalist
Several human rights organisations, including Human Rights House Foundation, urge the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyevin to stop the continued harassment and intimidation of the investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova.
Беларусу пагражае зняволенне за дабрачыннасць
На беларуса Аляксея Шчадрова (на фота), які арганізаваў прытулак для бяздомных, заведзеная справа па артыкуле 193-1 крымінальнага кодэксу— дзейнасць ад імя незарэгістраванай арганізацыі. Аляксею Шчадрову пагражае 2 гады калоніі.
HFHR asks about PRISM
Recently uncovered information about the US “PRISM” programme revealed that the scheme may also have targeted Polish nationals. The HFHR has expressed its concern over these disturbing reports and has sent written statements to the Sejm committees, the Minister of Administration and Digitisation, and the Minister of Interior, asking about what action has been taken to protect the privacy of Polish citizens on the Internet.
Justas Paleckis: the situation with human rights in Belarus remains of a great concern
The human rights situation in Belarus “is still difficult and remains of a great concern.” This is stated in the report, which was prepared by Justas Paleckis, the rapporteur of the European Parliament (EP) Delegation for relations with Belarus , for the Council of the EU, the European Commission and the External Action Service.
Юстас Палецкіс: Сітуацыя з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі выклікае асцярогу
Сітуацыя з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі «застаецца сумнай і выклікае асцярогу». Пра гэта гаворыцца ў справаздачы, якую дакладчык дэлегацыі Еўрапарламента (ЕП) па Беларусі Юстас Палецкіс падрыхтаваў для Савета ЕС, Еўракамісіі і Службы знешніх дзеянняў.
Article 212 case against Tygodnik Podhalański conditionally dismissed by the court
The charges were brought in the aftermath of a controversy surrounding the article “ABC milionera” (Millionaire’s ABC) published in “Tygodnik” in September 2009. Authors of the article, Paweł Pełka, Rafał Gratkowski and the paper’s editor-in-chief Beata Zalot, quoted a letter sent by a reader of the magazine who accused the businessman, a former mayor of Zakopane, of using unfair commercial practices in real property purchases.
Urgent for Ukraine to adopt a human rights plan
Newly, Ukraine was under review at the Human Rights Committe in Geneva. -This review has outlined how urgent it is for the country to adopt a human rights plan and concrete steps to implement it, says Florian Irminger, Head of Advocay in Human Rights House Foundation.
ECtHR: refusal to publish advertisement does not violate freedom of speech
In JUly, the Strasbourg Court proclaimed judgement in the case of Remuszko v. Poland. The ruling concerned the freedom of speech aspect of the relations between advertisers and press publishers. The ECtHR held that Poland had not violated the European Convention on Human Rights.
New name: the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House
On 31 July, the new name of the Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius was approved. Now the official name is the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House. The name has been changed in honour of the prominent human rights defender, co-founder and the first president of the Belarusian Human Rights House, who has passed away in 2012 after a serious and long illness.