

July 25, 2013

Statement on exclusion of rehabilitation equipment from judicial enforcement proceedings

Under Polish law, rehabilitation equipment is not excluded from collection proceedings conducted by court enforcement officers. The Code of Civil Procedure contains an exhaustive list of movables which cannot be made subject to judicial enforcement. Rehabilitation equipment is not included in the list.

July 25, 2013

Police harassment of activists and protestors

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, activists and protestors have recently been harassed by police forces for various reasons. In Banja Luka, they were taken in custody for “informative talks”. In Sarajevo, peaceful protestors were in custody and interrogated about the 6 June and 1 July protests in front of Parliament.

July 24, 2013

HFHR statement in Edward Snowden’s case

The media report that Edward Snowden, a former employee of the United States National Security Agency (NSA), has leaked information about the authorities’ involvement in the surveillance of US citizens and foreigners. Consequently, the US government has accused Mr Snowden of espionage.

July 23, 2013

UN Rapporteur meets Belarusian human rights defenders

The UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus, Miklos Haraszti (right), is not able to visit Belarus and has to hold consultations with the Belarusian human rights defenders and representatives of the civil society in Vilnius. One of such meetings took place in Vilnius on 12-13 July.

July 23, 2013

Спецдакладчык ААН сустрэўся з беларускімі праваабаронцамі

Cпецдакладчык ААН па правах чалавека ў Беларусі Міклаш Харасці (на фота) не мае магчымасці наведаць Беларусь і праводзіць кансультацыі з беларускімі праваабаронцамі і прадстаўнікамі дэмакратычнай супольнасці ў Вільні. 13 ліпеня ў Вільні завяршылася чарговая такая сустрэча.

July 20, 2013

The project «Ease of Access» – the creation of an interactive platform for people with disabilities

One of the winners of the competition, jointly organized by the United Nations Development Programme and the organization Human Rights Laboratory (HuRiLab) which was held in Armenia on 28-29 June was the project «Ease of Access» of a Belarusian Jan Guardian – participant of the project “Bring International Standards Home”

July 19, 2013

Проект «Ease of Access»- создание интерактивной платформы помощи людям с ограниченными возможностями

На конкурсе, организованном совместно Программой Развития ООН и организацией Human Rights Laboratory (HuRiLab) и проходившем в Армении 28-30 июня, одним из победителей стал проект «Ease of Access» беларуса Яна Гвардиана – участника проекта «Имплементация де-факто международных обязательств Республики Беларусь».

July 18, 2013

New Convention Protocol open to signature

As from 24 June, state members of the Council of Europe may sign the new, already fifteenth Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights. One of the modifications to be introduced by the new Protocol is a new time limit for lodging an application to the Strasbourg Court, which will be shortened from six to four months.

July 17, 2013

Polish prisons still struggling with overcrowding

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, together with the Association for Legal Intervention, addressed the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers to refer to the Polish authorities’ failure to enforce judgments of the European Court of Human Rights made in cases involving the overcrowding of Polish prisons.