

February 13, 2014

Victim of priest’s child abuse sues for personal interest violation

Marcin K. has filed a lawsuit against Zbigniew R., the Kołobrzeg-Koszalin Diocese and St. Adalbert Roman Catholic Parish. The claimant requests an apology in the national edition of the Gazeta Wyborcza daily newspaper and Newsweek magazine and PLN 200,000 as compensation for moral damages caused by a priest’s sex abuse.

February 13, 2014

Улады Беларусі прызнаюць і запрашаюць толькі некаторых спецдакладчыкаў, Міклаш Харасці – не з іх

Спецдакладчыку па сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі Міклашу Харасці (на фота) па – ранейшаму не дазваляюць прыехаць у Беларусь. Аднак улады Беларусі гатовыя запрасіць некалькіх тэматычных спецдакладчыкаў і абмеркаваць толькі асобныя пытанні.

February 12, 2014

Georgia – 84th place in the 2014 World Press Freedom Index

In Georgia (84th, +17), the 2013 presidential election was less tense that the previous year’s parliamentary elections, which were marked by physical attacks and hate campaigns against journalists. Thanks to political cohabitation and then a change of government through the polls, Georgia has recovered some of the terrain lost in recent years as the Saakashvili administration’s reforming zeal ran out of steam. Media polarization will nonetheless continue to be a challenge in the coming years.

February 11, 2014

Statkevich worries that clemency appeal might be written on his behalf

Statkevich, presidential candidate during the 2010 elections, has once again confirmed that he would not seek a pardon from Aliaksandr Lukashenka. He stated so in the letter that he sent to his wife Maryna Adamovich. Political prisoner wrote: “In regard to another suggestion “to ask for pardon” it is likely that required “appeal” can be written on my behalf.”

February 10, 2014

Палітвязень Мікалай Статкевіч непакоіцца, што прашэнне аб памілаванні могуць напісаць за яго

Мікалай Статкевіч, кандыдат у прэзідэнты Беларусі на выбарах 2010 года, чарговым разам пацвердзіў, што не мае намеру звяртацца па памілаванне да Аляксандра Лукашэнкі. Пра гэта гаворыцца ў лісце, які ён даслаў сваёй жонцы Марыне Адамовіч. Палітвязень напісаў: “У сувязі з чарговай прапановай “папрасіцца” ёсць імавернасць таго, што патрэбнае “прашэнне” могуць напісаць за мяне”.

February 7, 2014

FRA Report: “Access to data protection remedies in EU Member States”

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published a report on ‘Access to data protection remedies in the EU Member States’. The report, which is based on social fieldwork research, shows the most important problems concerning the access to redress mechanisms in cases of data protection violations.

February 7, 2014

“People were charged for expressing themselves” – local policemen

On January 27 a photo of a group of fans of the Belarusian football club BATE (tenfold national champion), holding a white-red-white flag and posters: “Hold on, Ukraine, we are with you!” and “Glory to Heroes!” appeared on the Internet. A few days later, two fans were convicted, and the police is still looking for the others.

February 6, 2014

100 questions about PRISM: what has been disclosed by Polish authorities?

It has been more than six months since the US mass surveillance programme PRISM was reported in the press and we are yet to learn all the details regarding collaboration between Polish authorities and the US National Security Agency. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Panoptykon Foundation have not yet received answers to all the questions submitted to public bodies.

February 5, 2014

“Людзі выказалі сваю пазіцыю, іх за гэта прыцягнулі,”– міліцыянт пра акцыю салідарнасці з Украінай

27 студзеня ў інтэрнэце з’явіўся здымак, на якім 23 фанаты дзесяціразовага чэмпіёна краіны па футболе барысаўскага клуба БАТЭ сфатаграфаваліся з бел-чырвона-белым сцягам і плакатамі «Трымайся, Украіна, мы з вамі!» і «Героям слава!». Праз некалькі дзён двое фанатаў былі асуджаныя, астатніх дагэтуль шукае міліцыя.