

April 15, 2014

У Беларусі вынесены чарговы смяротны прысуд

26-гадовы гамяльчук Аляксандр Груноў паўторна асуджаны на смяротнае пакаранне. Па словах адваката, малады чалавек не верыць у тое, што яго можа памілаваць прэзідэнт, а таму пакуль невядома, ці будзе ён наогул падаваць прашэнне аб памілаванні.

April 14, 2014

Punitive psychiatry – a form of pressure on Belarusian activists

Punitive psychiatry is increasingly used in Belarus to stop dissent. On March 27, Andrei Kasheuski, a resident of Zhodzina, was released from the National Centre for Mental Health in Minsk, after spending there a month over a yellow-blue ribbon he brought from the Ukrainian Maidan.

April 10, 2014

Weekly digest – Secret services hearing before Constitutional Tribunal adjourned sine die

After a three-day hearing the Constitutional Tribunal adjourned sine die the ruling on a case involving control over secret services. The case has been brought on the initiative of the Human Rights Defender and Prosecutor General. The applicants argue a constitutional violation caused by the absence of a clearly defined set of technical measures which may be used as covert investigative methods.

April 10, 2014

Карная псіхіятрыя – спосаб ціску на беларускіх актывістаў

Карная псіхіятрыя ўсё часцей выкарыстоўваецца ў Беларусі для спынення іншадумства. 27 сакавіка з псіхіятрычнага шпіталя быў выпісаны жыхар горада Жодзіна Андрэй Кашэўскі, які правёў там роўна месяц за жоўта-блакітную стужку, прывезеную з ўкраінскага Майдану.

April 9, 2014

PAC dismisses first complaint against refusal to disclose PRISM information

The Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw dismissed the complaint of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights against the Central Anti-corruption Bureau’s decision refusing disclosure of information on surveillance and PRISM programme.

April 3, 2014

Another expulsion without court

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has yet another time informed the Ministry of the Interior about the practice of expelling foreigners before the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw can hear their appeal against a decision declining them refugee status.

April 2, 2014

Do Polish secret services use tools for the remote control of computers and phones?

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has filed access to public information motions with the Internal Security Agency and the Central Anti-corruption Bureau, requesting the agencies to disclose whether they operationally use Remote Control System (RCS) software.

March 31, 2014

Lithuanian MPs become “godparents” of the Belarusian political prisoners

On 25 March during the celebration of Freedom Day in Vilnius the initiative to appoint Lithuanian MPs as patrons of each of the ten Belarusian political prisoners was announced. This will provide a more personalized monitoring of health status and conditions of detention of each of those, who have been imprisoned for political reasons.

March 28, 2014

Opposition activists sentenced in Azerbaijan – letter to Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In March 2014, an Azerbaijani court sentenced the politician Ilgar Mammadov and the journalist Tofig Yagublu. The former has received a prison sentence of seven years, while the latter has been sentenced to five years and six months in prison. The charges filed against Mr Mammadov and Mr Yagublu were based on provisions of Azerbaijan’s Penal Code prohibiting the causing of riots.