

April 29, 2014

Беларусь павінна гуляць сумленна – у спорце і па-за спортам

Гэты год адзначаны 20 гадавінай аўтарытарнага кіравання Аляксандра Лукашэнкі (справа) ў Беларусі, «апошняй дыктатуры Еўропы». Нібыта дзеля святкавання гэтай падзеі, і, нягледзячы на ​​шматлікія настойлівыя заклікі з усяго свету, Міжнародная федэрацыя хакея на лёдзе выканала жаданне Лукашэнкі правесці Чэмпіянат свету па хакеі з шайбай-2014 (IHWC) у Беларусі ў маі гэтага года. Хакей гэта яго любімы від спорту.

April 29, 2014

Belarus Must Play Fair, in Sports and Beyond

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s (right) authoritarian rule in Belarus, the “last dictatorship of Europe.” As if to celebrate the occasion, and despite multiple urgent calls from around the world, the International Ice Hockey Federation granted Lukashenka’s wish to host the 2014 Ice Hockey World Championship (IHWC) in Belarus this May. Hockey is his favorite sport.

April 28, 2014

Чарнобыльскі шлях-2014 пачаўся і скончыўся затрыманнямі

26 красавіка ў Мінску прайшла традыцыйная акцыя дэмакратычнай грамадскасці «Чарнобыльскі шлях – 2014», прымеркаваная да 28-х угодкаў катастрофы на Чарнобыльскай АЭС, а таксама супраць будаўніцтва АЭС пад Астраўцом. Яшчэ да пачатку шэсця былі затрыманыя 6 актывістаў, яшчэ шасцёх затрымалі падчас самой акцыі.

April 26, 2014

Беларусь: Спорт – для спорту

Праваабарончыя арганізацыі звярнуліся да ўрадаў краін, якія ўдзельнічаюць у Чэмпіянаце свету па хакеі з шайбай 2014, які адбудзецца ў Мінску, з просьбай ўстрымацца ад накіравання афіцыйных ўрадавых дэлегацый для ўдзелу ў мерапрыемствах, звязаных з чэмпіянатам.

April 25, 2014

Report: Court Experts in Poland

“The status of court experts, and in particular the rules governing the review of their skills and competences, should be set out in statute”, concludes the report “Court Experts in Poland” launched during a press conference held in the headquarters of the Polish Business Roundtable.

April 23, 2014

No more recognised victims in CIA black site investigation, for now

The Appellate Prosecutor’s Office in Cracow has refused to officially recognise Mustafa al-Hawsawi as a victim in the probe into the operations of a secret CIA facility in Poland. Mr al-Hawsawi is reported to have been detained and tortured on Polish soil. His attorney, advocate Bogumił Zygmont, said he would appeal against the prosecutor office’s decision.

April 17, 2014

Another death sentence passed in Belarus

26-year-old Homel resident Aliaksandr Hrunou has been repeatedly sentenced to death. According to the lawyer, the young man does not believe that he can be pardoned by the President, and therefore he is not sure whether he will apply for clemency.

April 17, 2014

CAB silent on the remote control of computers and phones

Responding to the Helsinki Foundation’s query about whether or not the Central Anti-corruption Bureau uses the Remote Control System software, the Bureau said that the HFHR’s question should be deemed a request for information on the applicable law and as such remains outside the scope of the Access to Public Information Act. The Foundation asked the same question of the Internal Security Agency. On 27 March 2014 the ISA responded that it did not use the Remote Control System software.

April 16, 2014

ECJ to strike down Data Retention Directive

The European Court of Justice declared the Data Retention Directive to be invalid in the judgment issued on 8 April 2014 in Joined Cases C-293/12 and C-594/12. According to the Directive telecommunications services providers were obliged to retain data of phone calls made by citizens of the European Union, including traffic and location data. The enactment also allowed courts, law enforcement authorities and secret services to access such data.