Zestaponi awaiting ecological disaster
The population in Zestaponi protest over the polluted environment and calls on the government to react on this issue. The ecological problems in Zestaponi were caused by throwing remains of natural deposit in the territory of an old agricultural market. According to the local healthcare agency the number of cancer diseases have increased because of this pollution. On June 15, 2013 local authorities decided to demolish the old market in Zestaponi and move it to another place. More than 200 private owners lost their source for everyday income with this unexpected decision of the local government. After the deconstruction, huge amount of remains of natural deposit, buried in the territory during soviet time, was removed from the ground. The remains were recycled and only radiation garbage was left. Locals protest both the demolished infrastructure and the pollution of the environment. According to the local healthcare agency, the number of cancer diseases is drastically increasing every year.
Belarusian human rights defenders fight against the death penalty via the UN Human Rights Committee
United Nations Human Rights Committee found that Belarus violated the right to life of Vasil Yuzepchuk, who was shot in 2010. The case of Aliaksandr Hrunou, another citizen of Belarus, who was executed, is still pending before the UN Human Rights Committee, while human rights defenders appealed to the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
Беларускія праваабаронцы змагаюцца супраць смяротнага пакарання праз Камітэт па правах чалавека ААН
Камітэт па правах чалавека ААН прызнаў парушэнне Беларуссю права на жыццё расстралянага ў 2010 годзе Васіля Юзэпчука. Справа іншага пакаранага смерцю грамадзяніна Беларусі Аляксандра Грунова яшчэ чакае разгляду ў КПЧ ААН, а пакуль праваабаронцы звярнуліся да спецдакладчыка ААН па пазасудовых пакараннях смерцю.
Controversy in the village Mokhe on religious grounds
There is a conflict between Muslim and Orthodox Georgians in the village Mokhe in Adigeni district. The reason for the conflict is a half-ruined building, where the local administration planned to open a library. Muslims claimed it was a mosque in the past, and that if a library starts functioning there it will insult their religious feelings. The building was being reconstructed at the same time as a protest rally of the local population was finding place, which finally resulted in the police arresting several protesters. The monitoring group of the Public Defender’s Office reported that the patrol police officers exceeded their power when detaining the participants of this peaceful demonstration.
Belarus executed third death verdict in this year
The Homel resident Aliaksandr Hrunou, who had been sentenced to death, was executed by shooting. It was learned on 4 November from his mother Volha Hrunova. Human rights defenders protest against this form of punishment and are concerned about another convict, who awaits for the execution.
End suppression of civil society in Azerbaijan
As the Chairmanship of the Council of Europe by Azerbaijan takes an end, 46 NGOs from 10 Human Rights Houses call upon authorities in Azerbaijan to put an end to the unprecedented repression against civil society and to immediately and unconditionally release all civil society actors currently detained due to their engagement for human rights and for raising critics against Azerbaijan’s authorities.
У Беларусі выкананы трэці смяротны прысуд за бягучы год
Асуджаны да смяротнага пакарання жыхар Гомеля Аляксандр Груноў расстраляны. Пра гэта стала вядома 4 лістапада ад яго маці Вольгі Груновай. Праваабаронцы выказваюць пратэст супраць такога віда пакарання і непакояцца за яшчэ аднаго асуджанага, што чакае выканання прысуда.
Domestic violence increased in Georgia
According to official data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia [MIA], 77 incidents of physical and 122 incidents of psychological violence in families were observed from January to June 2014 in Georgia. About 30 women were killed as a result of domestic violence the last year.
Human rights defender Elena Tonkacheva to be expelled from Belarus for three years
Belarusian and international human rights organizations have launched a campaign in support of the well-known Belarusian human rights defender Elena Tonkacheva (right), chairman of the Legal Transformation Center Lawtrend, who was deprived of her residence permit in Belarus and ordered to leave the country for 3 years.