

December 9, 2014

UN Human Rights Committee has made a public statement about the death of Aliaksandr Hrunou

UN Human Rights Committee on condemned the violation of Belarus’s international legal obligations through the execution of Aliaksandr Hrunou whose case was considered by the HRC at the time. HRC requested Belarusian authorities to suspend the execution of the sentence until the consideration of the case, but the sentence was carried out, and now the case will be considered, despite the fact that the applicant had already been shot.

December 5, 2014

Azerbaijan arrests one more critical voice, Khadija Ismayilova

On ludicrous charges of incitement to suicide, the Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayilova was sentenced to 2 months pre-trial detention today, Friday, 5 December 2014. She is a well-known independent investigative journalist, who owned many awards.

December 4, 2014

Emin Huseynov spending his 35th birthday in hiding in Azerbaijan

Since August 2014, the human rights defender Emin Huseynov of Azerbaijan has been forced into hiding. He is spending his 35th birthday on 4 December in hiding. At the occasion of our birthday, we repeat our call upon Azerbaijani authorities to immediately and unconditionally drop all pending charges against him.

December 3, 2014

IDPs residing in Tskaltubo request new accommodations

Internally displaced people from the occupied territories residing in the former buildings of the sanatoriums Friendship and Metallurgist in Tskaltubo district request new accommodations – the buildings of the former sanatoriums are in poor conditions. The Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees offered the IDPs to resettle in other regions of Georgia. Some of the IDPs do not want to leave Tskaltubo, saying they have buried their relatives there and have lived in the district for a long time.

December 1, 2014

Камітэт ААН па правах чалавека публічна выказаўся пра смяротнае пакаранне Аляксандра Грунова

Камітэт ААН па правах чалавека асудзіў парушэнне Беларуссю міжнародна-прававых абавязацельстваў праз выкананне смяротнага прысуду у дачыненні да Аляксандра Грунова, чыя справа на той момант знаходзілася на разглядзе ў КПЧ. КПЧ прасіў беларускія ўлады прыпыніць выкананне пакарання да разгляду справы, аднак прысуд быў выкананы, і цяпер справа будзе разгледжана, нягледзячы на тое, што заяўнік ужо расстраляны.

November 30, 2014

Intigam Aliyev spent his 52nd birthday in prison in Azerbaijan

Since 8 August 2014, the human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev of Azerbaijan is in prison. He spent his 52nd birthday in prison on 30 November 2014. His health has heavily deteriorated whilst in detention. We repeat our call for his immediate and unconditional release.

November 25, 2014

UN Human Rights Committee recognizes that Belarus violated the rights of Ales Bialiatski

On 24 October 2014 the UN Human Rights Committee took a historic decision on the case of of Ales Bialiatski, President of Human Rights Centre “Viasna” and FIDH Vice President, officially recognizing that the Republic of Belarus violated his right to liberty and security, the right to justice and a fair trial ad the freedom of association of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

November 25, 2014

Problems regarding mental health in Georgia

Most of the people with mental disorders are isolated from the society. For complete recovery they need psycho-social rehabilitation and integration in the society; nevertheless the state does not do anything in this direction. According to official information, only 1% of the funds allocated for mental health care are spent on the rehabilitation programs. Beneficiaries of the Center believe the allocated funds are not enough for their social integration.

November 24, 2014

Камітэт па правах чалавека ААН прызнаў парушэнне Беларусcю правоў Алеся Бяляцкага

24 кастрычніка 2014 г. Камітэт па правах чалавека ААН прыняў гістарычнае рашэнне па справе Алеся Бяляцкага (на фота), старшыні Праваабарончага цэнтра “Вясна” і віцэ-прэзідэнта Міжнароднай федэрацыі за правы чалавека (FIDH), прызнаўшы, што дзяржава Беларусь парушыла яго права на свабоду і асабістую недатыкальнасць, права на справядлівае судовае разбіральніцтва і права на свабоду асацыяцый Міжнароднага пакта аб грамадзянскіх і палітычных правах.