

October 26, 2014

Афіцыйны Мінск заклікаў ААН навесці парадак у Радзе па правах чалавека

У рамках 69-й сесіі Генасамблеі ААН у Нью-Ёрку прадстаўнікі афіцыйнага Мінска выказваюцца супраць супрацоўніцтва са спецдакладчыкам Міклашам Харасціі падвяргаюць сумневу правамернасць дзеянняў беларускіх праваабаронцаў.

October 24, 2014

UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights will submit recommendations to the Belarusian authorities

UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus, Miklos Haraszti, (right) has prepared a report that will be presented on 28 October during the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.One of the recommendations presented to the authorities of Belarus is the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.

October 20, 2014

Спецдакладчык ААН па правах чалавека М.Харасці прадставіць шэраг рэкамендацый для ўладаў Беларусі

Спецдакладчык ААН па сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі Міклаш Харасці (на фота) падрыхтаваў справаздачу, што будзе прадстаўленая 28 кастрычніка на 69-й сесіі Генеральнай асамблеі ААН у Нью-Ёрку.Адна з прадстаўленых рэкамендацый уладам Беларусі – неадкладнае і безумоўнае вызваленне ўсіх палітзняволеных.

October 17, 2014

World Mental Health Day in the Mental Health House

Four-storied building seemed almost empty; patients were walking around like ghosts. Some of them asked for cigarette, others for matches, some of them were eager to speak with strangers; several patients who preferred to stay alone under the autumn sun. In short, life continues in the facility as much as it is possible with its purpose. There is one question: what will happen if the institution is located in any city of Europe instead Tbilisi suburb? We learned that patients have many problems alongside legal complaints. Mostly they complain about living conditions.

October 16, 2014

Stop harassment and legal action against Khadija Ismayilova

The Azerbaijani authorities should immediately lift the travel ban imposed on Khadija Ismayilova, leading investigative journalist in the country, and cease all legal proceedings against her. Against the backdrop of the unprecedented crackdown on civil society, Khadija Ismayilova’s arrest on criminal defamation charges seems imminent and would confirm the authorities’ intent to silence all critical voices in the country.

October 16, 2014

Scene of religious controversy in Kobuleti

On September 10, Adjara TV-company reported about the incident about the boarding school of Muslim community in Lermontov Street in Kobuleti; Orthodox people protested opening of the school by hammering a pig-head on the door of the school. The incident became highly resonant. During several days Georgian media actively reported about the incident and follow-up events; society saw real threat of religious conflict in the fact.

October 14, 2014

Human rights defenders are calling to abolish the death penalty, or at least to change the procedure

October 10 – World Day Against the Death Penalty. The office of the Human Rights Centre “Viasna” in Minsk hosted final press conference of “Human rights defenders against the death penalty in Belarus” campaign.

October 14, 2014

Bosnia and Herzegovina: chance to take steps to improve its human rights record

Bosnia and Herzegovina is now at the centre of the attention, following its elections on 12 October, the preparation of its review at the United Nations Human Rights Council, and the publication of the European Union progress report. It has a chance to take concrete steps to improve its human rights record. Little hope comes from the elections however on such steps.

October 12, 2014

Праваабаронцы заклікаюць адмяніць смяротнае пакаранне ці хаця б змяніць працэдуру яго выканання

10 кастрычніка — Сусветны дзень супраць смяротнай кары. У офісе праваабарончага цэнтра «Вясна» ў Мінску адбылася выніковая прэс-канферэнцыя кампаніі «Праваабаронцы супраць смяротнай кары ў Беларусі».