Let them pay attention to us, we are also citizens of this country
In Tsalka district, eco-migrants settled in the houses which were abandoned by local Greeks 10-12 years ago. The state has failed to register the houses on eco-migrants and to create minimum living conditions for them.
Human rights in the field of psychiatry in Belarus: the need for reforms and transparency
On 28 May, the presentation “Psychiatry and Human Rights in the Republic of Belarus: Law and Practice” was held in the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House. Experts from Belarus, Poland and the United States provided information on the current human rights situation in the field of psychiatry in Belarus and gave recommendations for changes that will help improve this situation.
Human rights
On 28 May, the presentation “Psychiatry and Human Rights in the Republic of Belarus: Law and Practice” was held in the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House. Experts from Belarus, Poland and the United States provided information on the current human rights situation in the field of psychiatry in Belarus and gave recommendations for changes that will help improve this situation.
Правы чалавека ў галіне псіхіятрыі ў Беларусі: неабходнасць рэформаў, галоснасці і адкрытасці
28 мая ў Беларускім доме правоў чалавека ім. Б. Звозскава прайшла прэзентацыя «Псіхіятрыя і правы чалавека ў Рэспубліцы Беларусь: заканадаўства і практыка». Эксперты з Беларусі, Польшчы ды ЗША прадставілі інфармацыю аб актуальным становішчы з правамі чалавека ў галіне псіхіятрыі ў Беларусі ды агучылі рэкамендацыі адносна сістэмных зменаў, якія дапамогуць палепшыць сітуацыю.
Khadija Ismayilova spent her 39th birthday in prison in Azerbaijan
Since 5 December 2014, the Azerbaijani investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova is in prison. She spent her 39th birthday in a prison on 27 May 2015. We repeat our call for her immediate and unconditional release.
Sign the petition: Freedom for political prisoners in Belarus!
The Belarusian Human Rights Center Viasna, the Swiss-German association Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights and the independent watchdog organization Freedom House have launched a joint online petition to demand the release of all political prisoners from Belarusian president Lukashenka.
Падпішыце петыцыю: Свабоду палітвязням у Беларусі!
Праваабарончы цэнтр “Вясна”, швейцарска-нямецкая асацыяцыя Libereco – Партнёрства за правы чалавека і незалежная праваабарончая арганізацыя Freedom House апублікавалі сумесную анлайн-петыцыю з патрабаваннем да прэзідэнта Беларусі Лукашэнкі вызваліць усіх палітычных зняволеных.
“Undesirable” critics criminalised in Russia
On 19 May, the Russian Duma adopted a new law enabling Russian authorities to label any organisation as “undesirable” and thus criminalise them.
Pornography – a new kind of provocation against human rights defenders
On 13 May human rights defender, Chairman of the Homel branch of the NGO “Legal Initiative” Leanid Sudalenka (right) has been called for questioning as a witness in a criminal case.