

April 10, 2015

The pressure on Statkevich in prison has increased

The pressure on Mikalai Statkevich, the former presidential candidate and political prisoner, has increased significantly in prison, causing concern among human rights defenders and do not surprise the country’s leader.

April 10, 2015

Reporters’ Freedom and Safety on trial

Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) appeal in court what they see as politically motivated charges by the Azerbaijani authorities. Not releasing vital proof confiscated by the prosecutor is a violation of the right to a fair trail.

April 8, 2015

Intigam Aliyev’s Emotional Statement

“There is no greater injustice than that which is perpetrated in the name of the law,” stated the human rights defender Intigam Aliyev after the hearing in the case against him on 31 March in The Baku Court on Grave Crimes.

April 8, 2015

Ціск на Мікалая Статкевіча ў турме ўзмацніўся

На экс-кандыдата ў прэзідэнты і палітвязня Мікалая Статкевіча значна вырас ціск у турме, што выклікае занепакоенасць у праваабаронцаў і не здзіўляе кіраўніка краіны.

April 8, 2015

Georgia’s political leadership must stop slandering civil society

Public verbal attacks against human rights organisations in Georgia have increased. Some leading political figures even question space for civil society as such.

April 7, 2015

Security in-a-box Digital Safety Guide is now adapted to the Belarusian realities

The team of the Digital Security School DSS375 has updated and added information, directly relevant to Belarus, to the Security in-a-box Guide. Security in-a-box Guide, originally developed by the Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line Defenders, allows one to learn more about the risks and dangers that beset modern man in a complex digital world.

April 7, 2015

Руководство по цифровой безопасноти Security in-a-box теперь адаптировано к беларуским реалиям

Команда Школы цифровой безопасности DSS375 обновила и дополнила руководство Security in-a-box информацией, актуальной непосредственно для Беларуси. Руководство Security in-a-box, изначально разработанное организациями Tactical Technology Collective и Front Line Defenders, позволяет лучше узнать риски и угрозы, которые подстерегают современного человека в сложном цифровом мире.

April 6, 2015

Lacking adequate housing

In accordance to the special report of Public Defender of Georgia, Right to Adequate Housing, 9 805 families have willfully occupied 401 buildings in Tbilisi. Among them, 4 170 families have already legalized their flats, 5 635 families continue living in the buildings without any legal grounds. The majority of the citizens willfully living in these flats are socially vulnerable people. One part of the buildings, where citizens willfully live now, belongs to the state; another part has private owners. What does the government do to eradicate the problem of homeless people and to provide socially vulnerable citizens with adequate housing?

April 3, 2015

Article 411 is a new way to hold political prisoners behind bars

Article 411 of the Criminal Code provides punishment for disobedience to the administration of the penal facilities for prisoners held in the such facilities. Now this article and, consequently, the extension of imprisonment term, have been used against political prisoners. In 2012, Zmitser Dashkevich was convicted under Article 411 of the Criminal Code for one more year of imprisonment a few months before the end of his term, in February 2015 – a few days before his release – so was Mikalai Dziadok.