HRHT brief paper for December 10 – World Human Rights Days
Human Rights Day has been celebrated across the world annually on December 10 for 67 years already. It was established to mark the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948.
Human Rights House Tbilisi is glad to join the celebration of the World Human Rights Day because the main purpose of the organization is also restoration of breached human rights.
Leyla Yunus released on probation in Azerbaijan
Human Rights Defender Leyla Yunus has been released on five-years’ probation. This follows a request by her lawyers for her to be freed due to her deteriorating health condition.
Belarusian human rights defenders announced the new political prisoner in the country
Mikhail Zhamchuzhny was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months of imprisonment in a maximum security penal colony. It is also prohibited for him to hold positions related to the implementation of organizational and administrative duties. Belarusian human rights defenders recognize the case as groundless and politically motivated.
Беларускія праваабаронцы заявілі пра новага палітвязня ў краіне
Міхаіл Жамчужны быў асуджаны да 6 гадоў і 6 месяцаў пазбаўлення волі з адбываннем пакарання ў папраўчай калоніі ва ўмовах строгага рэжыму з пазбаўленнем права займаць пасады, звязаныя з выкананнем арганізацыйна-распарадчых абавязкаў. Беларускія праваабаронцы лічаць гэтую справу непразрыстай і палітычна матываванай.
Violence against women and women’s rights’ year in Georgia
November 25 is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Georgia marks the day together with 154 states worldwide. The campaign first started in 1991 and it has been getting wider every year.
Updated: Accounts of intimidation, vote rigging, and election violations at Armenia referendum
The Armenian election commission claims 63% voted “yes” to government-backed constitutional amendments on 6th December. Observers claim large-scale vote rigging and intimidation.
“Invincible Marynich” – a book about the politician and political prisoner, presented in Vilnius
On 1 December, the Belarusian journalist Aliaksandr Tamkovich has presented his book, dedicated to Mikhail Marinich, Belarusian diplomat and then a political prisoner, at the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House. Along with the author, the son of the book’s main character Pavel Marynich and the leader of the human rights center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski spoke at the presentation. The diplomats from European countries, friends and colleagues of Mikhail Marinich were also present.
“Няскораны Марыніч” – кніга пра беларускага палітыка і палітвязня прэзентаваная ў Вільні
1 снежня ў Беларускім доме правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава прайшла прэзентацыя кнігі беларускага журналіста Аляксандра Тамковіча, прысвечанай Міхаілу Марынічу, беларускаму дыпламату, а потым і палітвязню. На прэзентацыі разам з аўтарам выступілі сын героя кнігі Павел Марыніч і кіраўнік праваабарончага цэнтра “Вясна” Алесь Бяляцкі. Таксама прысутнічалі дыпламаты еўрапейскіх дзяржаў, сябры і калегі Міхаіла Марыніча.
Intigam Aliyev spends a second birthday in prison
Today is Intigam Aliyev’s birthday, the second he will spend in prison. Human Rights House Network wishes him a happy birthday and repeats its call for his release. His absence is far from unfelt and unnoticed, as the Azerbaijani authorities would undoubtedly prefer.