

March 1, 2016

Human Rights Council 31: Statement on 50th Anniversary of the Covenants

Human Rights House Network delivered a statement to a panel discussion at the Human Rights Council. This Panel discussion was sponsored by the Russian Federation with the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov.

February 28, 2016

The annual report on freedom of association is issued

The Assembly of Democratic NGOs and the Center for Legal Transformation Lawtrend have prepared an annual report “Freedom of Associations and Legal Conditions for Non-Profit Organizations In Belarus” in 2015. The paper analyzes the development of legislation in the sphere of non-profit law during the previous year, identifying the main constraints faced by non-profit organizations (NPOs), presenting statistics on the registration of new NGOs and a review of denials of registration practices.

February 28, 2016

Падрыхтаваны гадавы агляд “Свабода асацыяцыяў і прававы стан некамерцыйных арганізацый у Беларусі”

Асамблея няўрадавых дэмакратычных арганізацый і Цэнтр прававой трансфармацыі падрыхтавалі гадавы агляд “Свабода асацыяцый і прававы стан некамерцыйных арганізацый у Беларусі” за 2015 год. У дакуменце даецца аналіз развіцця заканадаўства ў сферы некамерцыйнага права ў мінулым годзе, акрэсленыя асноўныя абмежаванні, з якімі сутыкаюцца некамерцыйныя арганізацыі (НКА), прадстаўленыя статыстыка па рэгістрацыі новых НКА і агляд практыкі адмоваў у рэгістрацыі.

February 25, 2016

ILIA conference: Expert discussion on international human rights law

27-28 February, International experts joined ILIA program lawyers from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine to discuss the application of UN and Council of Europe human rights mechanisms.

February 24, 2016

HRHN Trial Monitoring: Intigam Aliyev appeal rejected

On 24 February 2016, Azerbaijan Supreme Court rejects Intigam Aliyev’s appeal, upholding the politically motivated case against the human rights lawyer.

February 22, 2016

Euromaidan two years on

Two years have passed since initially peaceful Euromaidan protests Kyiv were concluded with deadly force, resulting in the deaths of more than 100 people.

February 18, 2016

HRHN Trial Monitoring: Alaif Hasanov now has a court to appeal against disbarment

On 18 February, the Azerbaijan Supreme Court satisfied human rights lawyer Alaif Hasanov’s cassation appeal, ruling that the Azerbaijani Bar Association is an administrative body and thus allowing Hasanov to appeal his disbarment to the administrative and economic court.

February 18, 2016

Ukraine must ratify the Rome Statute

Center for Civil Liberties and other NGOs is marking two years after Euromaidan by appealing to the Ukrainian government to ratify the Rome Statute.

February 16, 2016

HRHN Trial Monitoring: Rasul Jafarov appeal rejected

On 16 February, Azerbaijan supreme court rejects cassation appeal and upholds sentence of the imprisoned human rights defender Rasul Jafarov.