

March 4, 2016

Human Rights Council 31: Statement on Human Rights Defenders

The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) welcomes the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders on good practices on the protection of human rights defenders and his consultative work with civil society organisations.The protection of human rights defenders is an essential part of the obligations that international human rights law imposes on States.

March 4, 2016

Итоговая конференция ILIA: Растущее сообщество и новые перспективы

26-28 февраля участники, выпускники и эксперты Программы Сети Домов прав человека “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов” встретились в Вильнюсе, в Конституционном суде, чтобы отметить успешное завершение третьего цикла программы, и поприветствовать новую группу целеустремленных и мотивированных адвокатов прав человека в сообществе ILIA.

March 3, 2016

ILIA Concluding Conference and the Growing ILIA Community

On 26–28 February, participants, alumni, and experts from Human Rights House Network’s International Law in Advocacy (ILIA) program met in Vilnius, at the Constitutional Court, to mark a successful conclusion to the third cycle of the program, and to welcome a new cohort of dedicated and enthusiastic human rights lawyers into the ILIA community.

March 2, 2016

The EU and Azerbaijan: Another missed opportunity

On Monday 29 February, the EU’s High Representative Federica Mogherini arrived in Baku on her first ever visit to Azerbaijan, in the frame of her tour of Eastern Partnership countries that started at the end of last year.

March 2, 2016

How to widen civil society space in the Eastern Partnership Region

The answer: to get authorities to understand and acknowledge the value of engaging positively with a strong, independent civil society. This was the overriding message delivered by high-level speakers at a side event hosted by the Permanent Mission of Lithuania and by the Human Rights House Network, held on 1 March 2016 at the 31st session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

March 1, 2016

Human Rights Council 31: Statement on 50th Anniversary of the Covenants

Human Rights House Network delivered a statement to a panel discussion at the Human Rights Council. This Panel discussion was sponsored by the Russian Federation with the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov.

February 28, 2016

The annual report on freedom of association is issued

The Assembly of Democratic NGOs and the Center for Legal Transformation Lawtrend have prepared an annual report “Freedom of Associations and Legal Conditions for Non-Profit Organizations In Belarus” in 2015. The paper analyzes the development of legislation in the sphere of non-profit law during the previous year, identifying the main constraints faced by non-profit organizations (NPOs), presenting statistics on the registration of new NGOs and a review of denials of registration practices.

February 28, 2016

Падрыхтаваны гадавы агляд “Свабода асацыяцыяў і прававы стан некамерцыйных арганізацый у Беларусі”

Асамблея няўрадавых дэмакратычных арганізацый і Цэнтр прававой трансфармацыі падрыхтавалі гадавы агляд “Свабода асацыяцый і прававы стан некамерцыйных арганізацый у Беларусі” за 2015 год. У дакуменце даецца аналіз развіцця заканадаўства ў сферы некамерцыйнага права ў мінулым годзе, акрэсленыя асноўныя абмежаванні, з якімі сутыкаюцца некамерцыйныя арганізацыі (НКА), прадстаўленыя статыстыка па рэгістрацыі новых НКА і агляд практыкі адмоваў у рэгістрацыі.

February 25, 2016

ILIA conference: Expert discussion on international human rights law

27-28 February, International experts joined ILIA program lawyers from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine to discuss the application of UN and Council of Europe human rights mechanisms.