
Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) envisions a world in which everyone can freely and safely promote and enjoy all human rights. Empowered human rights defenders and strong and independent civil society are key to this vision.

HRHF establishes, supports, and connects Human Rights Houses – coalitions of civil society organisations working together to advance human rights at home and abroad. Today, 16 Houses in 11 countries are united in an international network of Human Rights Houses.

Together, we advocate for the freedoms of assembly, association, and expression and the right to be a human rights defender. These four rights underpin a strong and independent civil society and protect and empower human rights defenders.

One core area of HRHF’s work is the development and dissemination of original reports documenting human rights trends across Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans, and the Caucasus. Examples of our recent reporting includes  Crisis Point in Russia and Protecting Defenders. Reporting is used by HRHF and our partners in our work to advocate for strengthened international human rights standards and mechanisms.

HRHF is seeking to identify suitable service provider(s) to support our reporting work in 2022. We anticipate issuing a number of reports over the course of the year on topics of relevance to our international advocacy priorities.

Services Sought

The service provider(s) will provide research support to HRHF’s advocacy programme, under the direction of the Head of Advocacy.

The service provider(s) identified through this tender process will be asked to design and conduct specific research which will ultimately be used by HRHF to support specific advocacy priorities. Individual research projects will include collecting and analysing information from a wide variety of sources including governments, civil society, the media, human rights defenders, among others. The service provider(s) will also be expected to summarise and document results and findings. While HRHF staff will maintain responsibility for any subsequent report writing, the service provider(s) may be expected to contribute to this.

Key Deliverables Expected of Service Provider(s)

Based upon individual terms of reference, to include research objective(s), supplied by HRHF, the service provider(s) will be expected to:

  • Design a research methodology
  • Design any instruments necessary to complete research.
  • Conduct interviews or other primary research, as necessary.
  • Complete secondary research of relevant source material
  • Analyse and report on findings, including strategic recommendations 

Key Responsibilities & Inputs of HRHF

For specific research projects commissioned, the service provider(s) may expect support and inputs from HRHF. These include:

  • Provide detailed terms of reference and research objectives prior to start of project(s)d
  • Provide input on and approve research design and all survey instruments
  • Identify, schedule, provide interpretation and secure platform for, and obtain consent forms from any potential research interview participants, as necessary
  • Respond in a timely manner to requests for information from service provider(s)

Tender Requirements:

In order to be considered for this tender, potential service providers must submit the following:

  1. Cover letter with name and contact information of service provider
  2. Proposal outlining in detail relevant experience and how service provider intends to deliver the services
  3. Budget
  4. HRHF Supplier profile/registration form


HRHF is seeking tender bids through 28 February 2022.  Bids will be evaluated and successful bidders will be notified by 15 March 2022. Contracts will be issued for review and signature.

Language of Tender:

The bid, and all correspondence and documents related to the tender, shall be written in English.

Currency of offered prices:

The rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in Euros.

Cost of tendering:

The bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation, submission, and presentation of its tender/bid.

Bid validity:

Proposals in response to this RFP shall indicate that they are valid up until March 30, 2023.


Enquiries are only permitted in writing and up to 3 days before the deadline for submission. Enquiries must be sent by email to

Quotation Due Dates:

Quotations should be submitted electronically to by 28 February 2022 by 12:00 Central European Time (CET).