When: Tuesday, 17. March 2015 14:00-16:00
Where: Palais des Nations, room XII
Host: The Human Rights House Foundation, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ukraine), the Center for Civil Liberties, the Human Rights House Kyiv, the “Almenda” Civic Education Center and Mejilis of the Crimean Tatar People (Ukraine)
Contact: Anna Innocenti (anna.innocenti@humanrightshouse.org)

Numerous attempts and seize fire agreements reached by leaders of the “Normandy Four”, who convened in Belarus for negotiations attempting to rein in the escalating conflict in eastern Ukraine, have seen only partial improvement. Ukrainian authorities and international observers report numerous facts of truce breach, shelling of both military and civilians, as human rights defenders keep reporting on human rights violations, war crimes instances and crimes against humanity in conflict-affected areas in the east of the country. The situation with human rights on the territory of temporarily occupied Crimea yields similar tendencies of deterioration with observance of fundamental rights and freedoms on the peninsular reported by the Crimea Field Mission on Human Rights as well as national and international human rights defenders. With the participation of Ukrainian human rights defenders and the Office of the Ukrainian Ombudsperson, this panel will examine Ukraine’s situation with regard to the protection and the safeguard of fundamental rights throughout Ukraine, in light of the current crisis.
