The observers focused on the measures applied by the Police to ensure safety of the March participants and residents of Warsaw and to protect property. They also paid attention to how the Police reacted to violations of the rule of peaceful conduct of rallies.

According to the HFHR, the Police have taken appropriate action to enable the participants of the march to exercise their freedom of expression. The HFHR, however, believes that the Police failed to provide adequate protection for the March participants because they made no response to bangers and flares thrown during the March.

Moreover, according to the HFHR “actions taken by the Police to ensure safety for the residents of Warsaw and visitors, and to protect property, were definitely insufficient. Moving the Police cordon away from the route of the March delayed Police response”, reads the report.

At the same time, the HFHR acknowledges that the actions taken by the Police in response to the disturbance of public order – after they were undertaken – were proportional and the deployed forces – adequate.

The HFHR admits that although Warsaw municipal authorities took a justified decision to terminate the gathering, the decision itself was communicated to the March participants too late.