Within the seminar the participants discussed new methods of aid to people with mental disorders, problems of prescription of psychiatric expert examination, ways of appeal of the experts’ conclusions. Such problems as protection of rights of legally incapable citizens, forms of compulsory treatment, prescribed by courts to people, having committed crimes and being found insane, methods and criteria of prescription of different forms of compulsory treatment, procedures of changing of a form of compulsory treatment and cessation of therapy were among the top priorities in the course of the seminar.

All the participants were provided with the textbook “Rights of people with mental disorders” issued by the Chief of the Legal Department of Independent Psychiatric Association Y. Argunova. The book focused on the problems of legal status of people with mental disorders and ways of protection of mentally disordered citizens.

Most of the participants agreed that the seminars on the most urgent issues of the treatment of mentally disordered people should be held on a regular basis and confirmed their will to contribute to the process.