HRHF Annual Report 2023
The human rights situation across the regions where Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) works was further influenced by military conflict and crackdown against independent civil society. Despite this, we continued to work closely with the Network of Human Rights Houses to protect and advance human rights. Read our 2023 Annual Report.
Joint Statement on the European Commission’s 2024 Rule of Law Report
Human Rights House Foundation joins several international CSOs led by European Partnership for Democracy calling on the European Commission to strengthen the effectiveness of the rule of law dialogue, improve the impact of reporting and take decisive action against systematic human rights violations in the EU Member States.
HRC55: Azerbaijan must ensure that all citizens can enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms
On 25 March 2024, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement highlighting the human rights situation in Azerbaijan during the country’s UPR adoption at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council.
HRC55: Russian civil society faces unprecedented challenges
On 25 March 2024, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement highlighting the human rights situation in the Russian Federation during the country’s UPR adoption at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council.
HRC55: Media and Civil Society Under Pressure in Azerbaijan Ahead of COP29
On 15 March 2024, Human Rights House Foundation hosted “Media and Civil Society Under Pressure ahead of COP29 in Azerbaijan”, a civil society event on the sidelines of the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council.
Russian authorities should immediately release Oleg Orlov – Russian and international human rights groups
Russian and international human rights organisations, including Human Rights House Foundation, condemn Moscow’s Golovinsky District Court’s sentencing today of Oleg Orlov, co-chair of Human Rights Defense Center Memorial, to 2 years and 6 months in prison on politically motivated charges of “repeatedly discrediting” Russia’s armed forces.
Human rights in Republika Srpska are at a “crucial point”
Authorities in Republika Srpska, one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, aim to introduce Russian-style “foreign-agent” legislation, amidst an alarming deterioration in the situation for human rights in the region. In this interview with HRHF, human rights defender Tanja Boromisa, discusses what these developments mean for Republika Srpska, the wider region, and more.
Azerbaijani authorities must end mass crackdown against the remaining free media and independent voices in the country
Human Rights House Foundation is alarmed by the latest wave of crackdowns against what remains of independent media and dissenting voices in Azerbaijan. Over the course of the last 25 days, at least 11 journalists and human rights defenders have been detained on dubious and seemingly ungrounded charges, in retaliation for the legitimate exercise of freedom of expression. The latest events are a deeply worrying attack on the Azerbaijani media sector and dissenting voices, particularly as they come in advance of recently announced and early Presidential elections on 7 February 2024. We call on the Azerbaijani authorities to drop the criminal cases against recently jailed individuals and release them immediately.
Open letter: We refuse to let the Anti-SLAPP Directive be a missed opportunity
74 civil society organisations including Human Rights House Foundation have written to the European Commission, the European Parliament’s rapporteur, the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council and the Ministers of Justice of all EU Member States to reiterate their concerns regarding the trilogue process of the anti-SLAPP Directive. Members of the CASE coalition urge the European institutions to negotiate the strongest possible Anti-SLAPP Directive that effectively protects public watchdogs.