

December 11, 2007

Rally exposes tensions in Malaysia

The delicate balance of Malaysia’s inter-ethnic politics has come under threat from an unexpected source and the response from the national government poses serious questions about freedom of expression. A recent rally resulted in clashes between demonstrators and the police, in which a police officer was injured, police vehicles were attacked and more than 200 were arrested. (11-DEC-07)

December 4, 2007

Egypt: assault on free expression

Index on Censorship and ARTICLE 19 are alarmed by the continuing assault on press freedom in Egypt. This week, no less than three cases will come to trial. All three represent a serious infringement of the right to free expression. (03-DEC-07)

November 29, 2007

Choices, not rights: Free speech in the UK

The row over whether David Irving and Nick Griffin should have spoken at the Oxford Union is not an argument about freedom of speech. The Union president chose to invite far-right demagogues to speak, rather than someone who actively campaigns for free speech. (28-NOV-07)

November 15, 2007

Georgia’s crackdown on the media

Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili decreed a state of emergency after the violent dispersal of anti-government protests, ordering the shutdown of independent media outlets and deploying troops throughout Tblisi. Journalists have felt the heat during the recent upheaval. (9-NOV-07) 

October 31, 2007

Free Speech organisations applaud ‘sea change’ from PM

ARTICLE 19, English PEN and Index on Censorship welcome the UK Prime Minister’s commitment to liberty, set out in his speech on 25 October. Gordon Brown’s promise to respect and extend freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and the public right to know marks a sea change in government attitudes towards these fundamental rights. (26-OCT-07)

September 21, 2007

USA: Civil rights in jeopardy

In a sweeping presidential order introduced in July, President Bush took steps to undermine the democratic rights of his fellow citizens.  It will affect people´s right to protest — and could have a profound impact on humanitarian aid, argues Index on Censorship, one of the member organisations of the Open Word House / the Human Rights House in London. (21-SEP-07)

September 11, 2007

Journalists under attack in Azerbaijan

As the situation continues to deteriorate for journalists in the Republic of Azerbaijan,  ARTICLE 19 appeals to the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights to raise concerns over freedom of expression during his five-day official visit to Republic of Azerbaijan. (04-SEPT-07)

August 27, 2007

Justice for Anna Politkovskaya?

Ten people have been arrested in connection with the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya. Following the arrests, Politkovskaya´s newspaper Novaya gazeta , responds to the news, and outlines how it sees the investigation into the killing of its reporter continuing. (27-AUG-07)

August 22, 2007

Cuba: English PEN calls for the release of six journalists

Concerned about the deteriorating health of journalists held in Cuban prisons, English PEN has highlighted the cases of six of them, calling for their immediate release. Cuba is the world´s second most prolific jailer of journalists — second only to the People´s Republic of China. (17-AUG-07)