Chechnyan living conditions recognized as prime international concern
The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has recognized the poor living conditions in the Chechen Republic as its biggest concern in all of the Russian Federation. In its concluding remarks on Russia´s 4th periodic report on the implementation of the Committee´s International Covenant, the Russian State is urged to allocate sufficient funds to reinstate basic services, including health and educational infrastructure, in the Chechen Republic. (06-DEC-03)
NGOs still raising voice for Khodorkovsky
Russian NGOs do not agree with the president Putin´s decision to stop the “hysteria about YUKOS”, the oil giant. Its former leader Mikhail Khodorkovsky is still in prison and accused in several crimes. Human rights activists deeply concerned with the Russian state power turning back to repressive methods of ruling the country. Some even call Khodorkovsky´s arrest the “start of the fight with civil society” in the Russian Federation. (03-DEC-03)
Sutyagin’s Case: Prosecutors try to mislead the jury
On November 3rd, 2003, Judge Petr Shtunder of the Moscow City Court began hearings on the case of Igor Sutyagin, who is accused by the Russian Security Service, FSB, of treason. During the first day the court selected the jury. On November 4th the judge gave floor to the prosecutors, who started presenting their case. Almost immediately the judge had to declare a break and adjourn the hearings until November 5th. (10-NOV-03)
Sutyagins Case: Jury selection will begin on November 3rd
On September 29th, Judge Petr Shtunder of the Moscow City Court granted Igor Sutyagin’s motion for a jury trial. The jury selection will begin on November 3, 2003. This is the first time a treason case in the Russian Federation will be considered by a jury. Igor Sutyagin, a researcher from the U.S. and Canada Institute, accused by the Russian Security Service, FSB, of treason. Sutyagin denies any wrongdoing. (03-OCT-03)
Background: The Russian Research Center for Human Rights 2002
The human rights violations in the Chechen Republic were the most urgent problems facing human rights movement in the Russian Federation in 2002. This document presents these and other human rights challenges in the Russian Federation, as well as a summary of activities in the Russian Research Center for Human Rights. (26-FEB-03)
Report reveals police torture in Russia
Police torture suspects and disregard a rising tide of nationalist violence, while abuse of Chechen civilians rages unchecked – and Western governments are partly to blame for ignoring the problems, The Moscow Helsinki group said July 9. (30-JULY-02)
Kursk families do not receive donations
Donations received on special relieve accounts were not distributed among Kursk families. The Mother’s Right Foundation has filed a complaint to Reutov (Moscow Region) town Magistrate about the special Commission of the North Fleet. (30-JULY-02)
Breakdown of the Chechen Republic peace talks
Human rights centre “Memorial” and Moscow Helsinki Group announced at a press conference that negotiation platform on the Chechen Republic has collapsed. The platform was set up at a Civil Forum as a regular meetings of NGOs (both Moscow and Chechen), prosecutors, FSB, the United military commanders, Chechen authorities and special human rights envoy in the Chechen Republic. (30-JULY-02)
Alternative service bill
With the crucial second reading on alternative Service scheduled for 14 June in the State Duma, human rights activists warned at the press conference on 29 May that the bill might be passed that makes alternative service not very different from military service. Several amendments give reasons for concern. (03-JULY-2002)