Russian activists fear more terror after Maskhadov’s death
Maskhadov’s death could lead to an escalation of the conflict in the Chechen Republic and spread the military actions, said Liubov Vinogradova (picture) from the Russian Research Center for Human Rights in Moscow. The Soldiers Mothers´ Committee hopes to continue negotiations once a new Chechen leader appears. (10-MAR-05)
Russia’s Crime Rate Dropping Because Crimes Aren’t Registered
Russia’s Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov has said that the registered number of crimes in the country underestimated the real number by three times. Speaking at a State Duma session on Wednesday, he said that there were not the 2.9 million crimes in the Russian Federation, but something more like 9-12 million. (10-MAR-2005)
Elser award is granted to the soldier’s mothers of Russia
The George Elser award 2005 is granted to the Union of committees of soldier´s mothers of the Russian Federation. Jury decision is noted that the Russian public organization is awarded for the efforts directed on the war termination in Chechen Republic. (10-MAR-05)
Chechen Leader Maskhadov Is Dead
Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov was killed on Tuesday, Russian army spokesman Ilya Shabalkin said (09-MAR-2005).
“We Have Broken the Silence on Chechnya”
Valentina Melnikova, the chairperson of the new party “Soldiers’ Mothers” told why there was a need for the party and of the importance of a peace settlement in the Chechen Republic. While liberal parties are trying — in vain, it must be said — to forge a coalition, a party of a new type is being established in the Russian Federation. The United People’s Party of Soldiers’ Mothers belongs neither to the right nor to the left wing. Public opinion polls held by the Levada Center in October showed that 72 percent of respondents approved of the activities of the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers. (09-MAR-05)
Russian Research Center for Human Rights Conference: two years results
Last Thursday, 3 of March, Conference of the Russian Research Center for Human Rights (RRCHR) took place. (09-MAR-05)
“Amnesty International” made a statement to the Russian government
The world´s largest HR defending organization “Amnesty International” made a statement to the Government of the Russian Federation with an appeal to take urgent measures on suppression of the further infringements of human rights in a context of confrontation in Chechen Republic. They ask to investigate all applications of human rights infringement cases and to give suspected infringements to the court. (02-MAR-05)
European Court Says the Russian Federation Abused Human Rights in Chechnya
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the Russian Federation committed serious abuses, including the torture and killing of civilians, during its military offensives against separatists in the Chechen Republic. (24-FEB-05)
Human Rights Watch Accuses the Russian Federation of Widespread Torture, Murder in Chechnya
Human Rights Watch has accused the Russian Federation of establishing a regime of terror in breakaway Chechnya, with widespread kidnapping, torture and murder. According to the watchdog, Chechen civilians are being abducted at the rate of two a day by the authorities for interrogation purposes, the British Independent newspaper reported. The allegations came after Human Rights Watch carried out a two-week investigation in the Chechen Republic. (24-FEB-05)